Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

4.2 Angle count samples 
One hundred and ten angle count samples of the permanent forest 
inventory were used to estimate stand heights. The samples are 
permanently marked, and the coordinates of the center points 
measured at an accuracy of better than +30 cm. For each of these 
points an angle count sample of 300 m? area with a basal area 
factor of 4 was collected according to (Bitterlich, 1948). For each 
contributing tree in each sample the distance, the diameter at 
breast height (DBH), and the tree height was measured. The latter 
was collected using the Bitterlich Relascope with a measurement 
accuracy of +1.1 m for coniferous trees and +1.7 m for deciduous 
trees (standard deviation). 
The following common stand heights were estimated for each 
e The dominant height is represented by the mean height of 
the three thickest trees according to (Pollanschütz, 1971); 
e the maximum height is represented by the mean height of 
the three highest trees; 
e Lorey’s height, i./e. the mean height weighted by the stem 
area in breast height. 
These values along with the basal areas were calculated in each 
sample for coniferous and deciduous trees separately. Statistics 
are shown in Table 1 for the 110 samples. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
mo the mode; 
me the median; 
std the standard deviation; 
m2 the quadratic mean; 
sk the skewness; 
cu the curtosis; 
P90  |the 90" percentile. 
P95 the 95" percentile. 
Table 2: Variables calculated from the laser data 
Remark: The estimate used for the penetration rate is only a 
rough measure. The reflection rates of both ground and trees 
need to be taken into account in order to obtain a correct 
value. Unfortunately, these reflection rates are not known and 
may differ, therefore the simple measure as described above 
was chosen. 
These variables are calculated for the three flights, obtaining the 
following indices: 
WL Winter last pulse 
SL Summer last pulse 
SF Summer first pulse 
All reference heights (Table 1) were checked against the laser 
variables by a "stepwise variable selection regression" (software 
SPSS ®) with the reference height as dependent and all other 
values as independent variables. The results are given in Table 3. 
Variable Mean | Std. dev. | Min | Max 
Stem density [trees/ha] 671 449 175]. 2077 
Basal area [m*/ha] 38.4 83| 16.0] 64.0 
Dominant height [m] 25.2 45| 10.6, 34.3 
Maximum height [m] 28.0 3.9| 19.5} 36.7 
Lorey’s height [m] 284 358| 171] 35.3 
Lorey s hgt. / coniferous [m] 26.2 42! 159! 360 
Lorey’s hgt. / deciduous [m] 24.6 3.9) 17.6} 350 
Table 1: Variables calculated from the 110 angle count samples 
Estimating stand heights 
Several methods to estimate stand heights from the laser data 
were investigated. These are compared with the terrestrially 
obtained height values. 
For each of the angle count samples all laser points within the 
sample radius of 9,77 m (corresponding to the area of 300 m?) 
were used to plot histograms as shown in Figures 3 - 5. Since the 
laser data show significant "noise" at the ground level, a height 
threshold of 3 m was chosen below which points are assumed to 
be ground points. The following variables were calculated from 
the histograms: 
Name Description 
p The penetration rate estimated as the percentage of 
ground points (height above ground lower than 3 m) 
from the total number of points; 
dependent independent variable(s) | correl. | std.err. of 
variable coeff. estimate 
dominant height | P90sr 0.812 +2.65 m 
P90sz, pw. 0.850 +2.41 m 
maximum P90s 0.839 +2.11 m 
height P90sr, pwr. 0.877 +1.87 m 
P90sr, pw;, Mow 0.890 +1.79m 
P90sr, pw; , mow;, SKsr 0.896 +1.74 m 
Lorey's height / | P90sp 0.829 +2.14 m 
all trees P90sr, pw. 0.880 +1.83 m 
Lorey's height mosr 0.828 i2.32m 
for conifers Moser, CUsr 0.844 12.23 m 
Lorey's height / | mese 0.881 +1.88 m 
deciduous trees | mesg, pwr. 0.896 +1.78 m 
Table 3:Results of the regression analysis with absolute term. 
The standard errors of the estimates range from +1.7 m to £2.7 m, 
which is relatively good compared to the mean standard errors of 
the terrestrial observations of +1.1 m for coniferous and 41.7 m 
for deciduous trees. Generally the tree heights correlate better 
with summer first than with winter last, which is reasonable. 
There is a strong relation between the 90" percentile and the 
maximum heights. The 95" percentile as being closer to the 
extremes does not correlate comparably well. 
The mode correlates well with Lorey’s mean heights for conifers, 
while for deciduous trees the median is more reliable; this is 
again reasonable sinc 
the right (approx. -1. 
(by about 1.7 m), ar 
coniferous trees tend 
Since the intercepts ¢ 
variable do not sig 
exception of the maxi 
in a much simpler nx 
first pulse data. Norm 
from which the grou 
change over time. 
necessary from time 
interest to restrict the 
The results are show 
Figure 8. Note that 
intercept is not a regr 
the regression line anc 
shows that the maxi 
underestimated by 4 ¢ 
are overestimated, esp 
trees, which is again, r 
dominant height 
maximum height 
Lorey's height / all trex 
Lorey’s h. / coniferous 
Lorey’s h. / deciduous 
Table 4: Results of 
Estimates o 
| 8% 
| Eos 
| € 
15 ; 
15 20 
. From 90th 
Figure 8 Estimates 
percentile of 1: 
A systematic under-esti 
by (Magnussen, 1998 
found, most likely du 
scanner (6.85 compa 
Furthermore, the corre 
those of (Magnussen, 1

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