validations of their ability to measure various aspects of canopy
structure and forest stand structure are presented.
This description and validation of the SLICER (Scanning Lidar
Imager of Canopies by Echo Recovery) canopy measurements
provides a summary for the use of SLICER data in studies of
forest canopy structure, including the work of Harding et al.
(1994; 1995), Lefsky (1997), Lefsky et al., (1999a; 1999b),
Harding (1998), Drake and Weishampel (1998), Means et al.,
(1999), and Rodriguez et al., (in review) and for future studies.
The principles developed here also apply to canopy lidar data
being acquired by the airborne Lidar Vegetation Imaging
System (LVIS) and to be acquired by the spaceborne
Vegetation Canopy Lidar (VCL). LVIS is a wide-swath,
mapping system developed at GSFC that has superseded
SLICER (Blair et al., 1999). VCL, scheduled for launch in
2000, is expected to inventory canopy height and structure over
approximately 5% of the Earth’s land surface between +68°
during its 2 year mission (Dubayah et al., 1997).
The SLICER airborne lidar altimeter system consists of a
ranging component and ancillary instrumentation for
geolocation. The ranging component consists of a laser
transmitter, scan mechanism, receiver telescope, detector,
timing electronics, waveform digitizer, and an instrument
contro] and data collection system. The ranging
instrumentation is augmented by an Inertial Navigation System
for precise determination of laser beam pointing, GPS receivers
for differential, kinematic determination of aircraft position,
and video equipment for image documentation of the ground
track. Integration of the ranging data with laser beam pointing
and aircraft position yields a position and elevation for each
laser pulse return with respect to a geodetic reference frame.
Key aspects of the SLICER system are reviewed below;
complete documentation of the instrumentation and data
products is provided in Harding et al., (In Review). SLICER
data sets available for public distribution are described
Several aspects of the SLICER design make it a powerful tool
for characterizing canopy vertical structure. The combination
ol a very narrow transmit pulse and a high-speed detector
results in exceptional vertical resolution, allowing closely
spaced canopy layers and the underlying ground within each
footprint to be distinguished. Use of a very high-speed
digitizer results in a non-aliased waveform record of
backscatter energy that has extremely good vertical sampling,
necessary for full analysis of waveform structure. SLICER
evolved from a profiling lidar altimeter described by Blair et
al., (1994) by the addition of a scanning mechanism. By
scanning the laser footprints across the flight path a narrow
swath results which provides both cross- and along-track
information on canopy heterogeneity and ground slope beneath
the canopy. SLICER employs a high power laser that enables a
significantly higher flight altitude than is typical used by
airborne laser altimeters, yielding larger footprints (nominally
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999
10 m but as large as 70 m) that are contiguous or even
overlapped. The larger footprints thus fully illuminate the
canopy, providing a measure of average canopy structure that
avoids the sampling bias inherent to small footprint altimeters.
The canopy in these large footprints typically contains some
openings at nadir to the ground thus consistently yielding a
ground return and enabling a measure of vegetation height for
each laser pulse. In addition, the high flight altitude minimizes
the variation in footprint size and received backscatter energy
caused by changes in ranging distance due to topographic
relief, thus simplifying data interpretation. Accurate pointing
and position knowledge, and associated geolocation software,
enable accurate determination of the location of each footprint
so that the lidar data can be directly correlated with ground
observations and remote sensing images. SLICER’s control
systems and operational modes were designed to be flexible so
that the effect of variations in footprint size, spacing and
vertical sampling on characterization of canopy structure could
be evaluated.
Several implications of the instrument characteristics are
significant for proper use of the SLICER data. First, the laser
illumination across the swath is not uniform and thus canopy
structure across the swath is sampled unequally. The pattern of
circular, approximately contiguous footprints that each have a
radial, Gaussian distribution of laser energy yields a swath
illumination that is analogous to an inverted egg carton.
Second, the backscatter amplitude recorded in the waveform is
not an absolute measure of reflected laser energy. The transfer
function between optical energy received by the instrument (i.e.
backscattered photons) and the resulting digital count
amplitude in the waveform is unknown due to uncalibrated
instrument parameters. The transfer function varies spatially, as
a function of beam position across the swath, and temporally on
multiple time-scales, as a function of operating conditions.
Thus, the amplitudes of waveforms can not be compared in an
absolute sense. The waveform can only be used as a relative
measure of the height distribution of backscattered energy
within an individual footprint.
Third, SLICER utilizes a threshold detection scheme to define
the range to the first detected target within a footprint.
Therefore, the detection of the canopy top requires that
sufficient backscatter energy be received exceeding the
detection threshold. The backscatter intensity depends on
intercepted area and the near infrared (NIR) reflectance of the
intercepted surfaces at 0° phase angle. Thus SLICER's ability
to detect the canopy top, and the resulting derivation of canopy
height, depends on the geometry of the outer canopy surface
and the reflectivity of the components making up the outer
surface. For example, narrow, erect conifer tips with NIR-dark
needles are less easily detected than a concentration of NIR-
bright deciduous leaves forming a well defined, umbrella-like
crown top. Depending on these canopy characteristics, the
SLICER measurement of canopy height can be biased low to
varying degrees as compared to the outer-most canopy surface.
Waveform Hel
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