4, 9-71 Nov. 1999
t are contiguous or even
thus fully illuminate the
'rage canopy structure that
small footprint altimeters.
ts typically contains some
ius consistently yielding a
ire of vegetation height for
oh flight altitude minimizes
eceived backscatter energy
tance due to topographic
etation. Accurate pointing
jated geolocation software,
> location of each footprint
tly correlated with ground
nages. SLICER's control
> designed to be flexible so
otprint size, spacing and
1 of canopy structure could
ument characteristics are
[CER data. First, the laser
| uniform and thus canopy
| unequally. The pattern of
footprints that each have a
ser energy yields a swath
an inverted egg carton.
corded in the waveform is
laser energy. The transfer
1ved by the instrument (i.e.
resulting digital count
nown due to uncalibrated
function varies spatially, as
e swath, and temporally on
| of operating conditions.
can not be compared in an
only be used as a relative
1 of backscattered energy
detection scheme to define
arget within a footprint.
canopy top requires that
received exceeding the
tter intensity depends on
'd (NIR) reflectance of the
le. Thus SLICER's ability
ulting derivation of canopy
f the outer canopy surface
ents making up the outer
conifer tips with NIR-dark
n a concentration of NIR-
well defined, umbrella-like
canopy characteristics, the
ight can be biased low to
'uter-most canopy surface.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999
Waveform Height Algorithm
To process the waveform into an estimate of the total height of
the vegetation sampled, a sequence of processing steps is
applied to the raw waveform data (Lefsky, 1997, Harding et al.,
Submitted). First, to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the
distribution, the raw amplitudes (Fig. la) are summed by
accumulating the signal in adjacent waveform bins. Generally,
either 6 or 9 adjacent bins have been summed, yielding either a
66 or 99 cm vertical sampling. The 66cm vertical sampling is
approximately equal to the vertical resolution defined by the
laser pulse width and detector response, while the 99 cm
sampling has been used for compatibility with non-lidar field
measurements. Next, the mean and variance of the background
noise is established using the final portion of the waveform,
beyond any potential last ground return. The mean background
noise is subtracted from the summed distribution yielding
signal above the noise level (Fig. 1b).
Distance Below Canopy Top (meters)
| | | | |
ü 50 0 200 a 1 7 fn 0.04
Eneitzer Summed Cumulative Fraction of
Counts Counts — Distributions Plant Area
Fig. 1. Steps in converting a raw SLICER waveform to various
processing levels (Panels a-d left to right) Harding et al.,
(In Prep.)
We then distinguish the ground reflection in the signal by
assuming that it is the last return above noise. The end of the
last return is defined as the last signal above a threshold that is
a multiple of the background noise variance (Fig. 1b). The
peak of the last return is defined to be the first inflection in
signal strength prior to the end of the last return, identified
using its first derivative. The start of the last return can not be
uniquely identified from the raw distribution because
backscatter return from low vegetation could be convolved in
time with the ground return. Therefore, the start of the last
return is identified based on the width characteristics of the
system impulse response. The impulse response is the
theoretical signal recorded from a smooth and flat surface and
depends on the convolved effects of pulse width and detector
response. The SLICER impulse response is established from
water surface returns. A ratio is determined for the impulse
response between the width from the signal end to peak as
compared to the width from peak to start. The observed end-to-
peak width of the last return is scaled by this ratio in order to
define the start position of the last return. This method
accounts for any pulse broadening of the last return due to
slope or roughness of the ground within the footprint. After
automated identification of the last returns, the results are
interactively evaluated, and modified where necessary, by
examining profile plots of last return start, peak, and end
elevations. Anomalous variations in elevation or last return
width, either along or across the SLICER swath, reveal
improperly identified ground returns that are then manually
corrected. Recently, morphological filtering operations have
been applied to the problem of correcting anomalous ground
return estimates, eliminating the need for manual correction
The amplitude of the ground reflection is then scaled to account
for the difference between average canopy and ground NIR
reflectance at 0° phase angle. In the existing work with
SLICER, the ground return amplitude was increased by a factor
of two based on the assumption that the reflectance of the
ground, dominantly comprised of leaf-litter with some bare soil
and rare live foliage, was half that of the canopy. The results of
our work have been relatively insensitive to potential errors in
this reflectance scaling factor, as described in Harding et al.,
Intercepted Surfaces / Transmittance Algorithm
A cumulative height distribution for the canopy return can then
be calculated, normalized by the adjusted total return (canopy +
scaled ground), yielding a height distribution of canopy closure
(Figure 1c). This Normalized Cumulative Power Distribution
(NCPD) can be further transformed to estimate the vertical
distribution of transmittance at the sensor orientation. The
NCPD is used to estimate transmittance as follows:
TsLicer(h)=1-NCDP, #1
where Tsricer(h) is the SLICER estimate of transmittance at
height h and NCPD(h+1) is the normalized cumulative power
distribution at h+1. Since SLICER measures the reflectance of
the laser at each height (assuming the contribution of multiple
scattering to signal delay is small), Tsricer at a height is equal
to one minus the cumulative reflectance from the height above
it. In reality, transmittance is equal to one minus the sum of
cumulative reflectance and absorbence. The NCPD can be
used as a proxy for the sum of cumulative reflectance and
absorbence when the ratio of absorbence to reflectance does not
vary with height. Where the assumption of a constant ratio is
violated, the error in Tsy;cgg compared to actual transmittance
should be small because absorbence by foliage and needles at