Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

Figure 1: The data of this example — a last pulse flight — 
was provided in a grid. The shown view covers an area of 
0.3km?. The upper half shows the original data, the lower 
presents the filtered version. As it can be seen in this shading 
there are still vegetation structures (trees and bushes) in the 
data, though a filtering was performed in order to separate 
the ground points from the off-terrain points. In this data 
set negative errors occur, too. Notice the "holes" in the river 
surface. The flying direction in this example is north-east. 
Some methods have a hierarchic approach to the surface in- 
terpolation or the classification step. Most approaches work 
iteratively, for interpolation as well as for classification. Fil- 
tering of measurement errors is not always performed. All 
methods have in common that they stress the lower points 
and assume that the higher points are vegetation (or more 
generally, off-terrain) points. 
Often, the measurments are provided in a grid. To this end, 
a regular grid is generated and laid over the area of interest. 
At each position the height is interpolated from the neigh- 
bouring points (original points). This allows a considerable 
data reduction because only the heights need to be stored. 
However, one does not work with the original measurements 
any more. The methods for this interpolation are not docu- 
mented, nevertheless it can be assumed that this process also 
favours the lower points. One solution is to take the height 
for each grid point from the height of the lowest original point 
inside a mesh centered on the grid point. For slanted terrain 
this leads to a systematic height error of 0.5w tan a (w: mesh 
width, tan a: terrain slope). 
In fig. 1 a river scene is shown. It is a shading, the light source 
is in the north. The river flows in direction north-north-east, 
in the upper part a side arm can be seen. The water of this 
side arm is standing still (more or less). This might explain 
why no signal is received from the water surface (black area). 
The upper part of fig. 1 shows the original data (to be more 
precise, a 1 meter grid) and the lower part presents the fil- 
tered version. It can be seen, that undesired structures are 
still in the data. The vegetation on the left river side is not 
eliminated completely. The data errors in the river (points 
below the river surface) are enlarged in the filtered version. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
This is due to the stressing of the lower points (which are in 
this case wrong). 
2.2 Our method 
In the method we proposed, linear prediction is used for the 
DTM interpolation. The error distribution of laser scanner 
heights with reference to the ground surface is no longer a 
normal distribution but a skew distribution with a strong bias 
towards off-terrain elevations. The points near the ground 
are considered to be normally distributed whereas the vege- 
tation points have only positive residuals with reference to the 
ground. In the first interpolation step a rough surface approx- 
imation is determined. All points, whether ground points or 
vegetation points, have the same influence. Thus, the surface 
obtained runs in an averaging way between the ground points 
and the vegetation points. A modified weight function from 
robust adjustment is used to compute weights from residuals. 
Fig. 2 shows the residuals of the first interpolation step and 
superimposed the weight function. Each measurement (i.e. 
the height of each point) is given a weight according to its 
residual. These weights can be considered in the next inter- 
polation step. Points with heigh weights attract the surface, 
points with low weights have less influence. Therefore, the 
interpolating surface runs nearer to the ground, disregard- 
ing the vegetation points. These vegetation points obtain a 
residual even higher than in the previous step. This process is 
called iterative robust interpolation. We use it to re-compute 
the surface and to classify all laser measurements into ground 
points versus off-terrain points (i.e. vegetation points in the 
case of wooded areas). The classification is done on the basis 
of a threshold value for the residuals. For a detailed descrip- 
tion see [Kraus and Pfeifer, 1998] and [Pfeifer et al., 1999]. 
According to the characterisation of the methods mentioned 
before, this approach is an iterative approach, filtering of 
measurement errors is performed and the classification and 
interpolation are performed simultaneously. Of course it can 
also be applied to other data sources with an asymmetric 
distribution of gross errors. 
3 Performance of the algorithm for laser data 
In the meantime, we have gained lots of experience with this 
approach. Following is a list of advantages and deficiencies of 
the algorithm. Some of the points are not only valid for our 
approach but are valid for laser data processing in general. 
Thus, this section also includes some general laser scanner 
data characteristics. 
1. The elevation model and the classification are per- 
formed in one step. For steep terrain this is an advan- 
tage. The classification is always performed relative 
to the ground surface. The ground surface may be 
distorted during the iteration steps, nevertheless the 
trend of the terrain will always be captured. This is 
an advantage over approaches which consider only the 
height of a point. 
2. The algorithm can either work on original data or it 
can also be used to improve pre-classified data. An 
improvement of the classification perform by the com- 
pany supplying the laser scanner data results in a higher 
quality of the digital terrain model derived from these 
ground points. However, if the points are given in an 
xy-grid, this is not exploited. 
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