Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

First, we show the effect of terrain with gentle slopes. This may 
serve as a reference configuration. We use three surfaces with 
the following slopes: {q,=0.01, gq, = 0.0}, {q,=0.0, q,=0.01} 
and {q,=0.0, q,=0.0}, the first two surfaces are tilted by 1% in 
each direction and the third one is a horizontal planar surface. 
The result in table 3 present the correlation between 
1.000000 0.316074 0.673140 
0.316074 1.000000 0.847108 
0.673140 0.847108 1.000000 
Table 3. Correlation Matrix for gentle sloping terrain 
The condition number for this configuration approaches a value 
of 45849. These results confirm our intuition that similar trend 
for all surfaces results in high correlation, leading to a weak 
solution. Introducing ranging noise of +5m resulted in a 
Standard Deviation of - ¢ = £2.95, however the parameters 
variance were £40” for the mounting biases and +2.2m for the 
range. The variance of the rotation angles is a function of the 
slopes. The ranging noise is, in general, much smaller than the 
one introduced, however, here we also modeled the effect due 
to coarse surface segmentation. 
Experimenting with large differences in slopes shows that the 
robustness of the solution improves dramatically. The terrain 
slopes are 10.1, 0.2), 10.3, 0,1}, 10.0, 0.1}, 10.1, 0.0}, 10.4, 
0.3}, {0.2, 0.3}. For such configuration the condition number 
was reduced to 225 only and the correlation matrix (presented 
in table 4) was reduced as well. 
1.000000 -0.519159 -0.390311 
-0.519159 1.000000 -0.426157 
-0.390311 -0.426157 1.000000 
Table 4. Correlation Matrix for high sloping surfaces 
With ranging noise the SD was still on the order of o= 42.96, 
however, the variances are reduced dramatically with de, dœ = 
+2” (for 600,000 m this is equivalent to +5m on the ground) 
and +1.26m for the range. 
Steep sloping terrain has, however, limitations. From a 
practical point of view it is difficult to find areas with such 
steep slopes in a large area. In addition, the returned waveform 
shape is highly dependent on the slope of the terrain. The 
higher the slope the weaker the waveform; background and 
electronic noise become more influential and the ranging 
reliability is reduced. We therefore seek a configuration with 
less distinct slopes that will still yield a good solution. 
Returning to the observation equations in (12) and analyzing 
the normal equations we realize that having trends in all 
directions, i.e. rising surfaces and descending surfaces might 
compensate one another. In terms of the normal equations, such 
configurations reduce some of the off-diagonal parameters, 
consequently reducing the correlation between the parameters. 
The following experiment involves a combination of 7 surfaces 
with the following characteristics: {0.0, 0.3}, {0.3, 0.0}, {0.1 - 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
0.3}, {-0.3, 0.1}, {-0.2, 0.0}, (0.0, -0.2). The correlation 
matrix for this configuration is presented in table 5. 
1.000000 0.271940 0.190221 
0.271940 1.000000 0.229318 
0.190221 0.229318 1.000000 
Table 5. Correlation Matrix for opposing slopes 
The condition number of 39.7 indicates a well-balanced 
solution. Note that without exceeding 3096 slope we obtain a 
maximum correlation that is less than 20%, indicating that the 
calibration parameters are independent of one another. In 
conclusion, the obtained values are reliable. Introducing a 
random ranging error of ~5m, the variances for the parameters 
are as follows: dg, dw = +1” (equivalent to £5m on the ground 
for 600,000 m this is) and variance of dr = +0.69m for the 
ranging bias. The standard deviation (SD) is on the order of 
€2.4m. Considering a random range error of -5m we obtain a 
rapid convergence rate. 
For the experiment with studying the effect of the position bias 
(both in terms of time error), we introduced a bias of 500m in 
the satellite position. The SD changed only few millimeters. 
However, when introducing the five parameter model, the 
adjustment diverged. That the solution diverged for a good set 
of surfaces and for +5m noise level is just another indication 
for the effect of highly correlated parameters. We also checked 
the effect of a large random ranging error (50m). Using the 
three parameters model, the solution still converged to the true 
We started minimizing the configuration both by reducing the 
number of surfaces and the magnitude of the slopes. For a 
configuration of three surfaces and following slopes {-0.2, 
0.2}, {0.2, 0.2}, {0., -0.1}, the correlation was reduced to the 
following figures (Table 6): 
1.000000 0.003183 0.070234 
0.003183 1.000000 -0.192688 
0.070234 -0.192688 1.000000 
Table 6. Correlation Matrix for 3 surfaces with opposing, steep 
The condition number rose to 53.0 but this is still a reasonable 
value. The SD was in the order of 6 = 42.8, and the variances 
were the following: d@, d& = +2” and dr = £0.83. Remaining 
with three surface (two are the minimal configuration) and 
reducing the slopes to 15% at most - {-0.15, 0.15}, {0.15, 
0.15}, {0., -0.1}, generated the following figures. 
1.000000 0.002220 0.095204 
0.002220 1.000000 -0.036995 
0.095204 -0.036995 1.000000 
Table 7. Correlation Matrix for 3 surfaces with opposing, 
gentle slopes 
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