Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

Similar considerations for the translational parameters 
lead a request of 7.2- 10!? cells capable to store the num- 
ber of solutions. Again, it appears that the approach is 
highly impractical. 
The problems just identified are caused by the attempt 
to determine all seven transformation simultaneously. 
Let us pursue the other extreme and calculate the param- 
eters sequentially, in an iterative fashion. Consequently, 
the accumulator array will be one dimensional and the 
memory problem disappears. The total number of point 
to surface patch combinations reduces to m X ns with 
m the number of points in set S? and n, the number of 
surface patches, e.g. triangles, in S,. Since this is now 
an iterative process that has to be repeated for every pa- 
rameter, the computational complexity is proportional 
to m x n, x 7 x maximum number of iterations. 
The method proceeds along the following steps: 
1. Select one of the parameters, e.g. ty. The cur- 
rent values of the other parameters are considered 
constants. Initialize the 1-D accumulator array for 
parameter tx. 
2. Pick point q; in set S». 
3. Select surface patch SP; in S,, e.g. defined by 
points Pa,Pp,Pc and compute parameter ty by 
solving the coplanarity condition. 
4. Update accumulator array. 
5. Repeat steps 3 to 4 until all plausible point to sur- 
face patch correspondences have been explored. 
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 until all points q have been 
7. Analyze accumulator array for a distinct peak. Up- 
date parameter tx with the peak value. 
8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 until all parameters have been 
9. Repeat the entire procedure if the parameters 
changed more than a predefined threshold. 
This procedure can be executed under a coarse-to-fine 
strategy that controls the precision of the solution (dis- 
crete interval) and the permissible range. As one pro- 
ceeds from coarse to fine, the range becomes smaller as 
well as the discrete solution steps. The dimension of the 
accumulator array may remain constant. 
So far we have determined the transformation param- 
eters iteratively, one by one; we have yet to solve the 
surface matching problem. For explicitly labeling the 
correct point to surface patch correspondence we sim- 
ply repeat the procedure described above. This time 
we already know the correct transformation parameters, 
however. Hence, whenever a correspondence is found 
with the correct solution (correct accumulator cell), the 
point is labeled accordingly. Now, as a mandatory final 
step we could determine the transformation parameters 
simultaneously, for example by the adjustment proce- 
dure described in Schenk (19992). Like every non-linear 
adjustment problem, reasonable approximations are re- 
quired. Of course, the iteratively determined transfor- 
mation parameters are excellent approximations. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Hemote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
An important aspect in comparing surfaces is concerned 
with detecting blunders in the data. It is well known that 
undetected blunders that participate in a least-squares 
adjustment may greatly influence the solution. How ro- 
bust is our proposed approach in this respect? Step 3 
of the procedure computes values for parameter tj, with 
point q; and all surface patches. The values are entered 
into the accumulator array. Suppose now point q; is 
wrong (blunder). As a result, wrong parameter values 
are computed and cells in the accumulator array are in- 
cremented which are separated from the peak. It fol- 
lows that blunders have no impact on the solution—an 
important property of our approach that can be applied 
to detect blunders. 
Let us again analyze the final step, involving the explicit 
labeling of matches. Points that remain unlabeled have 
never contributed to the correct solution of a transfor- 
mation parameter. Such points are obviously not part 
of a consistent surface description; they can be labeled 
as blunders. This allows for change detection. Here, we 
would analyze the spatial distribution of blunders and 
signal a significant difference between the two surfaces 
whenever blunders are locally concentrated. 
determine transformation parameters 
by following steps 1 through 7 
surface matching 
blunder detection 
simultaneous adjustment of 
transformation parameters 
error analysis 
applications: change detection,... 
Figure 3: Schematic diagram of surface matching, blun- 
der and change detection. The iterative determination 
of the transformation parameters is accomplished by a 
voting scheme in the parameter space, described above 
by steps 1-9. Surface matching is obtained by repeating 
the procedure, but now with known parameters. At the 
same time, blunders are detected and labeled accord- 
ingly. A mandatory step is the simultaneous adjustment 
of the transformation parameters, using the previous re- 
sults as approximations. Other steps may follow, for 
example error analysis and applications such as change 
In order to te 
proposed surf 
several exper 
section briefly 
5.1 Tests wi 
Fig. 4 depicts 
tation used ir 
sists of the p 
the other han 
SP,» SPs. 
the surface p: 
as the transfo 
purpose of re 
amined as a fi 
Z o 
Figure 4: Synt 
the proposed 
by the five su 
is represente 
correct corres 
The initial val 
for the angle: 
and 40% for 
termined corr 
for the scale f. 
the accumula 
(every point q 
peak with a v 
correct corres 
Not all param 
examination : 
along the Y- 
mined from a 
normals have 
array has a | 
Finally, Fig. 6 
tion of numb

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