Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

A, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
ing surfaces is concerned 
lata. It is well known that 
cipate in a least-squares 
ice the solution. How ro- 
| in this respect? Step 3 
1es for parameter t; with 
5. The values are entered 
uppose now point q; is 
wrong parameter values 
accumulator array are in- 
d from the peak. It fol- 
pact on the solution—an 
oach that can be applied 
ep, involving the explicit 
it remain unlabeled have 
ct solution of a transfor- 
s are obviously not part 
tion; they can be labeled 
ange detection. Here, we 
ribution of blunders and 
)jetween the two surfaces 
on parameters 
| through 7 
istment of 
f surface matching, blun- 
e iterative determination 
ers is accomplished by a 
r space, described above 
| is obtained by repeating 
nown parameters. At the 
cted and labeled accord- 
simultaneous adjustment 
rs, using the previous re- 
er steps may follow, for 
Jications such as change 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Hemote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
5 Experiments 
In order to test the feasibility and performance of the 
proposed surface matching method, we have performed 
several experiments with synthetic and real data. This 
section briefly summarizes the most pertinent results. 
5.] Tests with Synthetic Data 
Fig. 4 depicts the synthetic data set. Following the no- 
tation used in the previous sections, data set S» con- 
sists of the points q;,i = 1,2,...,30. Surface S; on 
the other hand is given in form of five surface patches 
SPy,...,SPs. The true correspondence of points q to 
the surface patches is known in this simulation, as well 
as the transformation parameters. The tests served the 
purpose of recovering the parameters and the corre- 
spondences. Moreover, the convergence rate was ex- 
amined as a function of surface topography. 
Figure 4: Synthetic data sets for simulation studies with 
the proposed matching method. Data set 5, is given 
by the five surface patches SP,... , SPs5 and data set 5» 
is represented by 30 points. The figure also shows the 
correct correspondence of points to surface patches. 
The initial values of the parameters were set off by 3? 
for the angles, 2 meters for the translation parameters, 
and 4096 for the scale factor. All parameters were de- 
termined correctly. Fig. 5 shows the accumulator array 
for the scale factor. The number of non-zero elements in 
the accumulator array corresponds to the number of cor- 
respondences evaluated—in our example 30 x 5 = 150 
(every point q with every surface patch SP). The distinct 
peak with a value of 30 indicates that for all points one 
correct correspondence was found. 
Not all parameters exhibit the same behavior as a closer 
examination of Fig. 4 reveals. Take the shift parameter 
along the Y —axis, for example. It can only be deter- 
mined from a correspondence to SP3; all other surface 
normals have no Y — component. Thus, the accumulator 
array has a peak value of six, referring to the correct 
correspondence q;3,... ,q18 to SPs. 
Finally, Fig. 6 shows the change of parameters as a func- 
tion of number of iterations. As expected, the conver- 
25 F 
15 F 
10 |= 
1 1 1 i 
0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 
Figure 5: One-dimensional accumulator array (his- 
togram) for the scale parameter. The peak value of 30 
indicates that all 30 points of data set S» contributed in 
one correspondence to the correct scale factor. 
gence rate depends on how separable a parameter is. 
The translation parameters are linear hence fewer itera- 
tions are required. By the same token, the angular ele- 
ments need more iterations because of the highly non- 
linear rotation matrix. 
parameter X 
eo ve of a 
iterations iterations 
Figure 6: Change of parameters as a function of num- 
ber of iterations. After initial fluctuations, the parame- 
ter stabilizes after a few iterations. The iterations are 
terminated once the changes become marginal. 
There is another factor that greatly influences the con- 
vergence rate, however. Remember that we impose the 
coplanarity condition to compute the transformation pa- 
rameters. In essence, the distance d; in Eq. 2 is set to 
zero. The distance is parallel to the normal of the surface 
patches. To obtain a good solution for our transforma- 
tion problem surface patches with normals oriented in 
all directions are necessary. The topography of S, is im- 
portant. As shown in Schenk (19993), the surface slopes 
should point in different directions. The slope angle di- 
rectly influences the goodness of the solution. 
5.2 Experiments with Real Data 
As reported by Csathó et al. (1998), ISPRS Technical 
Commission Ill has acquired a multisensor/multispectral 
data set over Ocean City, with several laser data sets pro- 
vided by NASA Wallops, and aerial imagery flown by NGS 
(National Geodetic Survey). The data provide an excel- 
lent opportunity to test the proposed procedure on a real 
world problem; how well does a laser surface agree with 

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