Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

increasing unmodeled dynamical effects. Roll and pitch biases 
are modeled and corrected before obtaining the final 
geolocation information. Roll and pitch biases can each be 
established because Shuttle attitude changes in roll and pitch 
are significantly out of phase (Luthcke et al., 1999). 
A first order approach in recovering pointing and range biases 
is done using a direct altimetry range residual analysis, 
combining spacecraft attitude information with ocean range 
residuals (Luthcke et al. 1999). The direct altimetry ocean data 
are compared with OSU (Ohio State University) 1995 Mean 
Sea Surface Model (Yi, 1995), plus the effects of tides from the 
Ray Ocean Altimeter Pathfinder Tide Model (an extension of 
the Schrama-Ray Tide Model, 1994), giving a height error for 
each laser pulse yielding an ocean surface return. Surface 
elevations of the open ocean are known, through measurements 
and modeling, to the 12 cm (1 sigma) level, providing a global 
reference surface to compare to the altimeter range 
measurements throughout the mission. SLA pointing 
corrections to the a priori roll and pitch were computed for each 
of the SLA-02 observation periods, iterating to solve for 
constant biases that reduce the ocean residuals until 
convergence was reached. This approach does not include the 
smaller contributions to ocean surface height variation from 
barotropic pressure («10 cm), earth tides («20 cm) and the time 
dependent part of dynamic sea surface topography («50 cm). 
SLA-ocean surface height differences on the order of 30 meters 
were typically observed before pointing bias estimation, with 
larger residuals present in some of the arcs where the Shuttle 
attitude exhibited a significant number of maneuvers. After 
establishing the attitude corrections, the bounce point 
geolocation was recomputed as described above. Average 
values for the constant attitude biases obtained from the first 
four observation periods (periods without significant 
maneuvers) were applied to the data from observations when 
attitude biases were difficult to extract from the residuals. Data 
from observation period 17 were geolocated applying no bias 
corrections for roll and pitch. Figure 3 shows a histogram of 
the final SLA-02 ocean surface residuals for all observation 
periods analyzed. The mean and standard deviation of ocean 
surface residuals is larger for SLA-02 than —01 (Garvin et al., 
1998), possibly due to shorter arcs and greater changes in the 
attitude profiles, which could result in unmodeled time-varying 
pointing biases during the individual observation periods. In 
addition, the more frequent attitude and orbit maneuvers during 
SLA-02 observations may have contributed to increased Shuttle 
body flexure and non-constant IMU misalignment effects that 
have not yet been compensated, and made more difficult to de- 
couple orbit and pointing errors. A much smaller contribution 
could be attributed to sea surface wave structure, barotropic 
pressure and solid Earth tides. We are currently in the process 
of working towards better modeling and recovering these 
pointing biases and improving the orbits to enhance the 
geolocation of selected SLA-02 arcs. Leveling Correction and 
Computing Orthometric Elevations. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
MSS95+Tides -SLA-Ht. 
SLA-02 OBS.:1,2,3,4,4a,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20 (SDP V2) 
% # OBS. 
-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25. .30 
Fig. 3. Histogram of SLA-02 elevation differences 
with respect to T/P=based Mean Sea Surface 
ocean topography corrected for ocean tides 
À leveling correction is applied to the resulting elevation data 
for each laser bounce point to correct the effects of long 
wavelength orbit errors. The ocean range residuals time series 
is smoothed by a sliding boxcar filter with a window length of 
120 seconds. The minimum number of ocean surface laser 
returns allowed within the window was 50, and a 3 sigma 
editing of outlier residuals was performed. The resulting ocean 
leveling correction is extrapolated across land areas using a 
linear fit to ocean results prior to and after the land. The 
leveling correction, provided in the  sla02.bp.surface 3 
parameter, is a measure of the elevation error that is primarily 
due to long-wavelength orbit errors. The geolocation process 
yields elevations referenced to the T/P ellipsoid. Orthometric 
elevations were computed by subtracting the geoid height at 
each laser bounce-point defined by the Earth Geoid Model 96 
(EGM96) (Lemoine et al., 1998). This level of processing 
constitutes the SLA-02 Standard Data Product Version 2 (SDP 
3.1. Return Type Classification 
Each laser shot was classified according to a scheme that 
distinguishes returns from ocean or land surfaces based on 
masks derived from the TerrainBase 5 minute (10 km) 
resolution global terrain model (Figure 4). Ocean and land 
shots were each further classified as valid returns, from the 
Earth surface or clouds, or as non-valid returns, due either to a 
range return from background noise or a no-range return (no 
backscatter signal detected above the range acquisition 
threshold). Ocean surface returns were defined as those whose 
orthometric elevations did not depart from sea level (elevation 
= 0) by more than 20 meters. Land surface returns had 
orthometric elevations within 500 meters of TerrainBase. This 
larger land elevation threshold was chosen to account for 
inaccuracies in TerrainBase and geolocation errors causing 
large elevation discrepancies in high-relief errors. This method 
probably overestimates the percentage of land surface returns, 
classifying returns from some low altitude clouds as being from 
the surface. Return 
than 500 m and 
reference surfaces 
(considered to be 
classified as noise 
TerrainBase and « 
above 10,000 m. 
classification categ: 
shots that have beer 
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# of Occurrences 
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32. Orientatio 
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