Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

simplifying surfaces. For a good overview of the topic the in- 
terested reader is referred to [Heckbert and Garland, 1997]. 
In the Surface Adjacency Graph (SAG) paradigm, the points 
are segmented into regions by fitting analytical surfaces to the 
corresponding surface patches. An example of the application 
of this paradigm is the region growing based on variable-order 
surface fitting, such as the algorithm described in this paper. 
2.2 Object recognition from laser scanning 
Pre-processing, involving the computation of the laser foot- 
print from the GPS, INS and laser range data, is usually fol- 
lowed by thinning and manual editing to reduce the size of 
the data stream and to remove the outliers. Then the cloud 
of almost randomly distributed laser points is separated into 
ground and non-ground returns by using low-level process- 
ing, such as histogram thresholding, morphological filtering, 
and the application of autoregressive integrated processes 
([Lindenberger, 1993], and [Kraus and Pfeifer, 1998]). In- 
stead of segmenting the whole surface into surface primitives, 
the low-level processing is usually immediately followed by 
model based object recognition and reconstruction of certain 
type of objects, for example buildings (e.g., [Axelsson, 1999] 
and [Maas and Vosselman, 1999]). 
To facilitate the automation of the object recognition and 
image understanding process many authors recommend the 
inclusion of other sensory data into the process. The redun- 
dant and complementary information from stereo photogram- 
metry, multi(hyper) spectral imagery, and other sources can 
be fused at the different points of the processing chain for 
detection, and classification of features and objects, for sur- 
face and objects reconstruction, and for error detection. For 
example [Haala and Brenner, 1999] achieve automatic detec- 
tion of.topographic features by combining laser data and color 
imagery in a classification step, and uses laser data and 2D 
ground plan information to obtain 3D reconstruction of build- 
3 Segmentation and object recognition for different 
An ideal segmentation would partition the surface points into 
surface primitives without making any domain-dependent as- 
sumptions about specific objects, object classes, or applica- 
tions [Besl, 1988]. In reality, the selection of the best seg- 
mentation algorithm is application dependent. The sensor 
characteristics, type of the measured quantities, the spatial 
distribution of the laser points, the object properties, the er- 
ror distribution, and the purpose of the survey all should be 
Algorithms using surface fitting work well when recognition of 
man-made objects, such as buildings, roads, etc., is the major 
goal. These are smooth and solid objects usually bounded by 
planar surfaces. The texture of surfaces (for example tiles on 
a roof, or vegetation on topographic surfaces) are treated as 
additional random noise superimposed on the smooth surface. 
Segmentation of natural surfaces, such as sea ice, ice sheet or 
land may pose different problems. These surfaces are viewed 
as a combination of deterministic and stochastic parts. In 
many applications, for example in geology and glaciology, the 
statistical character of the surface (the stochastic part), is 
also a subject of investigation. Surface texture statistics, like 
surface roughness or correlation length can be the basis of 
segmentation. Alternatively they can be used as additional 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
Figure 1: Aerial photograph of ice sheet surface with superglacial 
lakes. The elevation profile in Figure 2 is extracted along the 
white line. Solid arrows marks lake boundaries and the dashed 
arrow points to ripples. 
clues for object recognition. 
Consider for example the area of superglacial lakes and com- 
plicated drainage patterns on the Greenland ice sheet (Fig- 
ure 1 and Figure 2(a). Although surface fitting is the logical 
solution for describing the overall shape, ice sheets are so 
simple that most of the object types can directly be recog- 
nized by using simple clues, such as roughness and slope. 
Figure 2 illustrates how scale-space analysis of the elevation 
profiles as well as its first and second derivatives renders the 
lakes. Lakes are horizontal and smooth, therefore the deriva- 
tives of the surface elevation are small (for example see the 
lake in Figure 1 and Figure 2, between the solid arrows). 
The ripple zones, that is the series of bumps contouring the 
lake shores down-glacier (for example around dashed arrow 
in Figure 1), have large surface roughness resulting large and 
rapidly alternating derivatives (Figure 2(b)-(c)). To suppress 
this fine scale information the elevation profile was smoothed 
by convolution with Gaussian kernels of increasing width. The 
second derivatives of the smoothed elevation profiles was in- 
spected to select the best scale for rendering the lake bound- 
aries (Figure 2(d)). 
A somewhat related topic is the determination of surface 
statistics from a set of laser points or laser waveform. For hor- 
izontal, random rough surfaces where the roughness scale is 
much smaller than the footprint, the surface roughness within 
each footprint can be estimated from the pulse width of the 
return waveform [Gardner, 1992]. This approximation is valid 
for some natural surfaces, like sea ice and for large footprint 
laser system (LVIS, ICESAT). For more complicated surfaces 
the approach introduced by [Goff and Jordan, 1988] might 
be followed. He modeled the ocean floor as an anisotropic, 
zero-mean, Gaussian random field to recover second order 
statistics, namely amplitude, orientation, characteristic wave 
numbers and Hausdorff (fractal) dimension of seafloor topog- 
raphy from Sea Beam (sonar) data. 
Figure 2: Object rec 
on laser altimetry pro 
mark lake boundaries 
(a) Surface elevation 
second derivatives, = 
smoothed by convolu 
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