Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
esolve step, some points 
solution, may become iso- 
y re-pruning. 
jally have pinholes where 
ice within another surface. 
joint problem. The final 
| on their 8-neighborhood. 
ation is: 
ce patches. 
ta and real range imagery 
| to demonstrate the per- 
of these experiments. The 
region with smooth tran- 
gion such that depth and 
ere (Figure 5(a)). Noise 
> a noisy set of range data 
th joins are more difficult 
resses this case reasonably 
the segmentation bound- 
nd (b) surface contaminated 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
a qum Ar uU 
Figure 6: Recovered surfaces and segmentation (a) Planel, (b) 
Plane2, (c) all three surfaces, (d) segmentation boundaries 
6 Discussion and conclusions 
Airborne laser scanning is an increasingly popular data acqui- 
sition method for generating DTMs. It samples the surface 
at high a density and the range measurements are very ac- 
curate. However, the raw laser points are not a meaningful 
description of the surface because the major surface charac- 
teristic, such as breaklines, formlines, smooth surface patches, 
and surface roughness, are not explicitly encoded. Surface 
segmentation attempts to extract this information from the 
cloud of 3-D laser points. We have proposed a region grow- 
ing segmentation method that takes the stochastic nature of 
laser points into account and it is robust regarding blunders. 
We are currently extending the approach to process directly 
irregularly distributed data sets in order to avoid gridding as 
a pre-process. 
Segmenting laser points into meaningful surface patches 
would greatly benefit from additional information. Usually, 
laser data sets consist of a (huge) list of 3-D points. lt is 
conceivable to record additional information, for example the 
entire waveform of the returning laser signal, or the scene 
brightness. Waveform analysis and analyzing scene bright- 
ness could be incorporated into the segmentation process. 
For region-growing segmentation to be successful, a suffi- 
cient number of points per surface patch is required. This is 
usually the case for airborne laser data sets. Since the seg- 
mentation identifies smooth surface patches, breaklines and 
formlines are defined by region boundaries. Sometimes, the 
region boundaries do not determine breaklines well, however. 
This is an inherent problem with laser data sets; the spatial 
distribution of footprints may be considered a random sam- 
pling as far as object boundaries are concerned. It would be 
sheer coincidence if a footprint would coincide with an ob- 
ject boundary, say a building outline. Even if it did we would 
not know. If object boundaries are important for a particular 
application, other sources but laser ranging may be required. 
For example, stereo photogrammetry allows direct determi- 
nation of 3-D object boundaries. Therefore, it makes sense 
to combine the strengths of different sensors. 
7 Acknowledgements 
The example with the Greenland ice sheet is from the ICESAT 
project, funded by the NASA [Csathó et al., 1995]. Other 
examples used in this paper are from the Ocean City test 
site, established by ISPRS WG I11/5 [Csathó et al., 1998]. 
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