Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

A, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
B. Csathó, and D-C. Lee, 
je laser ranging over urban 
s of Photogrammetry and 
3 W14, this proceedings 
, Bufton, J., Krabill, W., 
erencing of airborne laser 
ational Journal of Remote 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
David J. Harding’, Dean B. Gesch”, Claudia C. Carabajal, and Scott B. Luthcke* 
'NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (Code 921), Greenbelt, MD 20771, harding@denali.gsfc.nasa.gov 
Raytheon ITSS, @ USGS/EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD 57198, gesch@edcmail.cr.usgs.gov 
3NVI, Inc., @ NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (Code 926), Greenbelt, MD 20771, claudia@stokes.gsfc.nasa.gov 
“Raytheon ITSS, @ NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (Code 926), Greenbelt, MD 20771, sluthcke@ geodesy2.gsfc.nasa.gov 
KEYWORDS: Shuttle Laser Altimeter, GTOPO30, global, topography, DEM, elevation, accuracy. 
Continental-scale topographic profiles between 28.45° N and S latitudes acquired by the first flight of the Shuttle Laser Altimeter 
(SLA) experiment are used to evaluate the vertical accuracy of GTOPO30, a global digital elevation model with a grid spacing of 
approximately 1 km. GTOPO30 is a compilation of eight sources of elevation information, including raster and vector data sets. The 
mean and standard deviation of SLA to GTOPO30 elevation differences are computed for Africa, southern Asia, central South 
America, and Australia. Variations in mean differences between continental regions and GTOPO30 sources indicate that there are 
vertical datum discrepancies incorporated in GTOPO30 on the order of 10 m. Variation in the standard deviation of the differences 
confirms that raster sources in GTOPO30 are more accurate than vector sources. 
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) compilations of the Earth’s 
land topography at a grid spacing of approximately 1 km have 
recently become available publicly. These include two products 
distributed by United States federal agencies, GTOPO30 from 
the Geological Survey (USGS) and GLOBE from the National 
Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration. These data have 
great utility in regional and continental scale studies requiring 
topographic data and are a significant advance upon previously 
available global topographic data sets. However, the vertical 
accuracy of these compilations is variable and poorly quantified 
because the elevation measurements have been assembled from 
numerous topographic sources of varying, and uncertain, 
quality. Significantly, the compilations include sources using 
disparate and poorly documented reference ellipsoids and 
datums; thus, the DEM’s are not internally-consistent, geodetic 
representation of the Earth's surface. 
Profiling laser altimeter observations from orbital platforms 
provide the opportunity to obtain elevation data of very high 
vertical accuracy in a consistent, Earth-centered reference frame 
(Harding et al., 1994). Laser altimeters are particularly well 
suited to measuring land topography, as comparing to radar 
altimeters, because of the ability to use smaller footprints that 
have no difficulty ranging to complex, high-relief terrain. Also, 
the optical backscatter return can be used to establish the 
surface height distribution within the laser footprint and 
differentiate features at multiple heights such as vegetation 
canopy layers and the underlying ground. Orbital profiling 
altimeter data lack the sampling density necessary to construct 
DEM's with spatial resolutions comparable to those derived 
utilising orbital stereoscopic or interferometric capabilities. 
However, they do provide data very well suited to evaluating 
the accuracy and error characteristics of global DEM's 
constructed by other means. Here we us data from the first 
flight of Shuttle Laser Altimeter (SLA-01) to evaluate one of 
the global 1 km DEM's, GTOPO30, providing an independent 
assessment of that product’s quality. 
11. GTOPO30 
GTOPO30 is a global DEM resulting from a collaborative effort 
led by the staff at the USGS's EROS Data Center (EDC). 
GTOPO30 was developed over a three-year period and 
completed in 1996. Elevations are regularly spaced at 30 arc 
seconds (approximately 1  kilometre). GTOPO30 was 
developed to meet the needs of the geospatial data user 
community for regional and continental scale topographic data. 
The horizontal co-ordinate system is latitude and longitude 
referenced to WGS84. The vertical units represent elevation in 
meters above mean sea level. GTOPO30 is based on data 
derived from eight sources of elevation information, including 
raster and vector data sets. 
The raster data sets include Digital Terrain Elevation Data 
(DTED) and USGS 1-degree DEM’s, both gridded at 3 arc 
seconds (approximately 90 m), and a New Zealand DEM 
gridded at 500 m. DTED is produced by the U.S. National 
Imaging and Mapping Agency (NIMA) and the USGS DEM’s 
are primarily reformatted versions of DTED. In areas lacking 
raster data, the primary data source was the Digital Chart of the 
World (DCW), a vector cartographic data set based on the 
1:1,000,000-scale Operational Navigation Chart (ONC) series. 
Some areas are based on digitised versions of 1:1,000,000 scale 
paper maps from the Army Map Service (AMS), the 
International Map of the World (IMW), and the Peruvian 
government. Coverage for Antarctica was included using the 
Antarctic Digital Database (ADD). The GTOPO30 data sources 
and the processing methods used to assemble them are detailed

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