Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

ZA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
ite (ICESat) laser altimeter 
of a 30 m resolution global 
e Radar Topography Mission 
aunch in January 2000, is a 
e National Aeronautics and 
the California Institute of 
ratory and DLR. VCL, the 
cience Pathfinder spacecraft 
Aaryland and is scheduled for 
Sat, a part of NASA's EOS 
unch in 2001. Integration of 
hic data will lead to a global 
raphy with unprecedented 
zy that will greatly contribute 
e number of individuals who 
yossible, lead by Jim Garvin, 
, Project Engineer. Flight of 
sible by the infrastructure and 
ayloads Hitchhiker Program. 
was provided by the NASA 
dard Director’s Discretionary 
s Observer Laser Altimeter 
ticipated in the GTOPO30 
r source data: the National 
ration (NASA), the United 
Global Resource Information 
S. Agency for International 
tuto Nacional de Estadistica 
of Mexico, the Geographical 
Manaaki Whenua Landcare 
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J.B. Garvin, 1999. Shuttle 
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