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R.J. Brown, M. Bernier
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
G. Fedosejevs, L. Skretkowicz
Intera Environmental Consultants
‘It has been shown that LANDSAT multispectral scanner (MSS)
data can be effectively used to monitor crop condition but the
timely acquisition of the data can be a problem. The Advanced Very
High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on board the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-6 and subsequent satellites appears.
to be a complimentary sensor to the MSS which can alleviate this
timeliness of data acquisition problem. The AVHRR with its wide swath
width can give daily synoptic coverage of any agricultural area. These
data can be used to diréct the analysis of the higher resolution
LANDSAT imagery. The question that must be answered for this to occur
is whether the low resolution AVHRR data can supply reliable crop
condition information. This paper will report upon our study to use
the AVHRR to determine crop condition.
With a resolution of 1.1 km at nadir the sensor does not
image individual fields but rather gives information about a general
area. This area reflectance depends upon the mix of ground cover and
particularly the amount of summerfallow present. Corrections to the
radiance data have been made for the amount of summerfallow present
and for topographical features such as slope and surface roughness
(changes in slope). The results of this analysis will be presented
along with what geometric and radiometric corrections are made to the
data. A data set consisted of:
(i) NOAA-6 AVHRR imagery for every clear day over
Saskatchewan, Canada in 1981 from May 23
until August 31 (approx. 20 days).
(ii) NOAA-7 AVHRR imagery for selected days over
Saskatchewan, from July 9, 1981 to August 15,
1981 (approx. 7 days).
(iii) LANDSAT multispectral scanner imagery for
three areas in Saskatchewan from 1977 until
1981. :
We are pleased with the results to date and it appears that
NOAA-AVHRR data may become an important data source for vegetation
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