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ment 5.2.1
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Brief Technical Specifications
Density range 0-2.2 D
Density resolution 0.008 D
Error in density measurement + 1%
Pitch and position This is variable in steps of
0.008 D in the range of 0.008 to
2.2 D
Maximum number of slices 16
This system has been used for density measurement and analysis
of data from satellites such as TIROS-N, Bhaskara, and LANDSAT.
Photograph 1 shows the density slicer system while photograph 2
shows the imagery of a cyclone received from TIROS-N satellite,
density sliced and colour encoded.
Met Sa tellite Image Processor (MSIP)
MSIP is being designed for processing satellite imagery originating
mainly from TIROS-N and INSAT satellites. The system is being
designed around a Z-80 A based (Zilog) microprocessor with 64K
bytes of memory. The system is supported by a 256 x 256 x 4 bit
expandable memory, a teletype, a digital taperecorder, and a high
resolution video monitor.
MSIP Functions
The system has the following processing functions:
a. Enhancement by applying seven fixed gama curves with
provision to expand the number of fixed curves.
b. Enhancement by applying operator modifiable curves.
Enlargement by a factor of four and multiple thereof.
d. Histogram display of images stored in refresh memory.
e. Annotation occupying bottom 10 lines of image character
size 5 x 7 matrix.
f. Gridding display latitude /longitude spacing of 10°.
Design and Development of a Video-Ra te Image Processor
This system is planned to be developed using 64K bit dynamic
RAM as the basic chips for image refresh data base. Initially it will
comprise four image frames of 512 x 512 x 8 bits for handling
colour images and overlaying graphics. The system will accept
input image from a magnetic tape and after performing required
processing, it will transfer the image data ona CCT as output.
A colour video monitor would display the processed images.
A large number of image processing functions, as described
in section 4.1, can be performed. The data base would be expanded
so as to generate time sharing of internal resources and for creating
multiuser capability and will serve as a standalone terminal. In
addition, the system will have capability for being interfaced
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