Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

Ihe displacgment of the representative point in feature 
space is a function of original matrix element values, the 
manipulation method used and the numerical values of the 
parameters used. 
Ihe paper considers the following four types of image 
manipulation procedures : 
(1) Linear Stretching 
(11) Nonlinear Stretching 
(111) Weighted Averaging 
(iv)  Sharpening of Image Using Laplacian Operator 
.In each case, the changes in image contrast and homogen- 
eity are calculated and represented as a functions of the 
parameters of the process. Finally a graphic representation 
is given to illustrate how each of these processes displaces 
the representative point in feature space in different dire- 
ction by a different magnitude. 
A specific example is given to illustrate this point 
using the imagery acquired from Bhaskara, the Indian Satellite 
for Barth Observations that carried two TV cameras operating 
This method will be highly useful in the choice of image 
enhancement techniques in complicated situations. 

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