‘Therefore a window is defined in a very homogeneous area of the image.
Within this window mean values of the lines are computed. A functional model is ob-
tained by parameterization of these mean values. For the common case of a continuous
two-dimensional image signal s(x,y) this parameterization is described by
; S(x.y) dy 5: f:(a12:7.:: s Ayaı X). for xe [x95 X11 (9)
0 :
80 4
60 |
40 -
20 +
0 T T T T T T Zeile
80 |
60 Pa NE
40 -
ins EC eT Tr 20 T T T T T 7 Spalte
0 80 160 240 320 400 480 560
Fig. 8: Scene after FFT-filtering Fig. 9: Profile of image row (upper)
and line
with [Xo, yg, X1, y1] defining the window coordinates. For a discontinuous image
signal integration has to be replaced by summation.
Fig. 10 and 11 show the thermal image with the used window and the line mean
valües within this window. :
A linear formulation is used for the approximation of function f:
f(x) = a, tax
Parameter a, and a, are computed using least square fit. The SRF is obtained by the
Yi The &
SRF (x) = a; + a, x = J sQuy) dy (10) meas.
Ya An ir
Now the whole image is filtered with the SRF according to (8). Fig. 12 shows the far
result of filtering. In fig. 13 the same column as in fig. 9 is presented. Scan- reci
line noise has nearly almost disappeared. d qu
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