"eR uu me
emic Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program
Princeton University
P.0. Box 308
for Princeton, New Jersey 08540 USA
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J The information content of asynoptic satellite data is determined.
Orbital sampling patterns are shown to uniquely define the space-time spectrum.
The allowed region of spectra, defining the information content, is a rectangle
rt II: . in Fourier space, rotated relative to the wavenumber frequency axes. Aliasing
limitations for "single-node" data correspond, roughly, to a maximum wavenumber
of half the orbital frequency (orbits/day) and frequency extrema of + 0.5 Cpd.
Sampling restrictions for "combined-node" data, are degraded by additional
yf aliases, which arise from the irregular spacing between ascending and descending
xcd nodes. This additional contamination, which is serious at middle and high
latitudes, can be eliminated, thereby allowing resolution of frequencies up
to + 1.0 cpd. Otherwise, frequencies only up to +0.5 cpd can be faithfully
recovered, as for the case of single-node data.
1. Introduction
Fundamental to the analysis of meteorological satellite data is the
reconstruction of observed fields in an Eulerian representation. The Fourier
analogue of this process is the construction of space-time spectra in the
wavenumber-frequency domain. In either case, knowledge of which space and
time scales can legitimately be resolved in the data is crucial. The latter
is equivalent to the information content and is determined by the discrete :
sampling pattern in space and time.
Ideally, synoptic (simultaneous) measurements at uniform increments
in time are desirable, as they are directly amenable to analysis. Unfortu-
nately, the reality of a single instrument makes synoptic observation
impossible. In its place is asynoptic observation: measurements taken at a
single location at any given time. The asynoptic nature of satellite data
has historically posed difficulty in its interpretation. Moreover, because
of the nonconcurrent and irregular character of satellite observations, their
information content has hitherto eluded definition.
Asynoptic observations are made sequentially on a latitude circle,
covering 2m rads every 24 hr. During this sampling cycle, the fields may
evolve freely. A number of methods have been proposed to estimate the
synoptic behavior, or equivalently the space-time spectrum. However, because
of the lack of simultaneity in the observations, all of the techniques put
forth to date suffer from some degree of distortion and ambiguity (see
Hartmann, 1976; Hayashi, 1978; Chapman et al., 1974).
In addition to their nonconcurrent character, ascending and de-
scending nodes are not equispaced, nor even coincide from day to day. When
the number of orbits/day is noninteger, as is invariably the case, the sample
set does not return to the same set of longitudes as on the previous day.
Rather, the sample points drift from day to day around the latitude circle,
never coinciding with a previous set. After a sufficiently long period, a
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