Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

i rim rm 
VESOUL (France): 500 sq. km 
Main land cover classes geological characteristics 
forest |. | | ade 
dry meadows - 55$ dolomites beginning 
crops 0 between 30 and 50 cm depth 
meadows - 10% 
dry meadows - 72% dolomites beginning 
meadows - 193 O and 30 cm depth 
meadows - 46% loam and 
dry meadows - 43$ clayey marl 
crops - 55$ loam (thin lay) 
dry meadows - 35% on schists 
The land cover statistics have been computed from the per point 
classified image within the regions of reference. 
(The resulting map is published in 5 and 6) 
e OR ko Figure 3 : Table of relation between land cover 
| or and geology 
by : 
White LOIRE (France): 3200 sq. km 
Colour on |Main land covers geol. material drainage 
Fig 5-1 
bare light soils - 24$ clay on calcareous | very well 
vineyard - 273 (often terrasse of | drained 
orchard - 28% Loire river) 
bare light soils - 10% sand or loamy well 
vineyard - 63% sand (alluvial or drained 
meadows - 45% loam well to 
vineyards - 24% (mainly on poorly 
orchards --16% Plateau) well 
Meadows - 578 clayey alluvium poorly 
vineyards - 368 locally associated | drained 
with sand (recent 
deposit of river) 
meadows - 02$ recent deposit of very 
clay poorly 
; drained 
The two other units have been defined to complete the mapping but 
are outside from the valley test site. 
st site Figure 5-2: Legend of the Figure 5-1. 
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