In summary, the digital SLAR data of an agricultural
area has been evaluated for various types of fielis. The
overall characteristics of each type of field on a SLAR
image can be understood by considering its local statistics,
The present study was conducted for a given enviornment,
and several observations were apparent during the study
phase. Among the more immediately apparent were
discrepancies of gray values within same categories at a
given angle of incidence. Such variations can be expected
due to different conditions of same type of landuse
categories. This leads to the fact that in digital
classification techniques, the tolerance limit should be
predefined for each landuse category. The general mean
characteristics of SLAR return signal from land surfaces
could also be applied for radiometric calibration of
various SLAR systems and different images.
In thi
‘This work is a part of the Shug conducted at DPVLR, Xy edo
West Germany for the Joint ISRO-DFVIR SLAR campaign 1980. This a
One of the author (SM) is thankful to Department of Space
(India) for arranging the deputation at DFVLR, West
Germany for this work. Constant encouragement and useful
discussions with Dr. W. Keydel, DFVLR, West Germany and taken
Mr.D.S.Kamat, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad, India, MDA di
are highly acknowledged. The av
for bo
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