Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

Figure 2. Part of a digitally correlated Seasat frame of central Belize, Rev. 
508. North is toward the lower right and the illumination is from the top. 
The scale is approximately the same as Figure 1. 
Caribbean Sea 
S Stann Creek 
0 10 20 
LII Quaternary Alluvium 
Paleocene-Eocene Marine Sediments 
Cretaceous Carbonates 
Carboniferous-Permian Continental Sediments 
Undivided Plutonic Rocks 
Modified from: Geologic Map of Paleozoic Undivided Metamorphic Rocks 
Guatemala, First 
Edition, 1970 — — Contact — Fault 
Figure 5. Geologic map of central Belize, modified from the Geologic ‘Map of 
Guatemala, first edition. The area covers the SIR-A swath, and is oriented 
the same way as Figure 1. 

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