lin = Is + la + Iref . (1)
Here, Is is the spectral radiance from a terrain object with absorption
by atmosphere. Let Ts be the surface temperature,
: equati
Is » T(1)-€s(1)-BO,Ts) , (2) Thus
where T(A) is the atmospheric transmittance, €s(\) the surface emissivity, and
B the Planck function.
Ia is the upward spectral radiance of the atmosphere after emission and
absorption by the succesive layers of atmosphere: where
Ia = €a(4)- BO,Ta) , (3)
where €a(A) is the atmospheric emissivity, and Ta the effective temperature of
the atmosphere.
In the lower atmosphere, local thermal equilibrium can be assumed, and
Kirchhoff's law
€a(A) = dal) (4)
follows, where da(\) is the atmospheric absorptance. If T(\) includes the where
extinction by the atmospheric scattering, OGa(A) is represented by
Qa(À) 71-1). (5)
With equations (3), (4), and (5), it follows that
las(1- tO))-BG;Ta3) . : (6)
Iref is the downward atmospheric spectral radiance, reflected upward at
the surface of a terrain object, and attenuated through the optical path to
the sensor. If the terrain object is sea surface,
es(à) = 1 ; (7)
can be assumed in thermal infrared region. Therefore the reflectance
(1-es(X))=0, and the term Iref is negligiblé.
Let T' be the apparent temperature determined by
BOY, TY) in". (8)
Then a simple form of the radiative transfer equation |
lI rep
W(A,T') = T(A)-W(A,Ts) + (1 - T(0))-WO,Ta) (9) to the
When T.
can be derived from equations (1),(2),(6),(7),and (8), using the relation in the
Ag obtain
[vB , Ta! algori
W(A,T) = TE ’ (10)
f: von»a'
where U(A') is the spectral sensitivity of the total optical system in the
spectral band [11,22], and A representing the band.