band 7 value. With increasing vegetation canopy cover the soil
surface is masked and a high reflectance from the dry soil is
reduced. Reflectance from vegetation with a canopy cover of 100
percent at point A on Figure 2, and a radiance value of 27 in
band 5 and 25 in band 7, is lower than reflectance from 100
percent bare soil at point B, but is a significant component of a
combined soil and vegetation spectral response. The intensity of
this response varies with the varying proportions of soil and
vegetation within a LANDSAT pixel of 56m x 79m, such that a high
vegetation canopy cover gives a relatively low reflectance, and a
high proportion of soil produces a high reflectance.
Observations both on the ground and from the air, have
suggested that although the spectral response of the soil is
generally uniform, the vegetation with its own distinct spectral
response and cover of more than one species, is unlikely to give
a similarly uniform reflectance. The triangular shape of the data
cluster enclosed by the points marked ABC on Figure 2, suggests
that the influence of variations in species composition produces
a change in the spectral content of ihe vegetation response.
Further statistical evidence will be required to show that the
observed spread of points is significant and is the result of
real variations in the species composition of the vegetation
cover and not scatter due to other factors. If this can be shown
to be true then the data might be more accurately described by a
three component system represented by a bare soil point at B, and
two points A and B each representing 100 percent cover for two
species of vegetation, in this case with dwarf shrub at C and
shrub at A. It should then be possible to divide the feature
space of this three component system into a number of classes
and determine the statistical probability of a particular class
having a radiance value representing the combined reflectance
from three variables; soil, vegetation canopy cover, and species
The development of a digital image processing technique
which successfully classifies the vegetation cover, depends to a
large extent upon gaining a quantititative knowledge of the
relationship between vegetation and radiance values. Supervised
multispectral classifiers rely upon defining homogeneous
training areas with a distinct spectral response to classify an
image. In this area of semi-arid vegetation it has been shown
that a weaker response from the vegetation cover modifies a
dominant reflectance from the soil to give a combined response
from both soil and vegetation. This results in a high correlation
between bands and the absence of distinct vegetation clusters in
the feature space. Preliminary results from supervised
multispectral classification techniques have produced
misclassification and it is clear that in this area other image
processing techniques will have to be employed. From the data it
appears that a density-slice of a band 5 and band 7 composite
would take into account both variations in canopy cover and in
species composition, in order to classify the image.
radiance in MSS 7
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