location in the UTM co-ordinate system. Such counting "was done for no more meal
than two or three segments of the fifty located. Precise placement is then totally
done using the north-south and east-west survey pattern. segment
Training Data Selection and Classification: The selection of training data is ae
a critical part of the project. In the Canola/rapeseed work, it was found in in sing
several cases that training sets selected were inadequate and training had to segment
be redone. The cases in which training data were inadequate invariably be anal
resulted in classifications which missed whole fields of the crop or which both data in
missed fields and included native vegetation. The signature for rapeseed is
quite distinct in a region where the stage of growth is similar throughout | A
(Brown, et al., 1980). In the Peace River District in 1981, however, growth | the: vi
stage varied tremendously, in some cases from one farm field to another. | procedu
Fortunately, even with this variability it was found that if a broad enough of: the
training set. was established, most fields would be properly classified. The overlap
problem was in defining an adequate training set.
The method that evolved here employed the mosaiced 1:250 000 maps of
segment locations to identify segments with Canola/rapeseed before any T
analysis. The individual segment photo-maps annotated by field enumerators to
show field sizes and locations were then consulted to locate concentrations of GuconnE
known Canola/rapeseed fields. These concentrations were in turn used to Missing
identify potential subscenes for training. | reasons
1981 a
The training field selection during the subsequent analysis is typically Canada
based upon subjective criteria. Since a number of fields showing a range of by clot
Landsat intensity values is usually available in the potential scene one should missing
at first select only those large fields which on the video display appear to of: data
represent the range of intensities in fields stated to be rapeseed from the Ofssthi:
training data. It should be noted that a knowledge of the crop phenology in segment
the region and probable condition at the time of imaging is necessary at this
stage to avoid including fields which may have been incorrectly identified in No Tra;
the ground data, or which have changed since the field work was done. To avoid these r
selecting atypical training data only a general location for potential training
sites should be identified before one studies the video display data. I
day, tl
Once the training fields have been selected, the actual training set is where
identified with the display cursor by keeping close to, but not including, the images
field boundaries; bare areas and other crops should be excluded. The August
parallelepiped classifier is then applied to the training set. The result is To. sol
first checked against the fields used for training, and more training pixels or sites:
fields can be added if warranted. If the result is "satisfactory", other fields
fields not used in the original training are used to verify the classification. have ‘us
The existence of a number of known fields in the same subscene as was used for approac
training becomes important here. New training data can also be added from care,
these fields if required.
5 Isolate
At this time, one must also ensure that there are no errors of commission thin he
within the segments or, perhaps more importantly, in the non-agricultural thesen]
lands, Where there are obvious errors of commission, several steps must be clear
taken. First, if these errors consist of single pixels they may be ignored. complex
Second, if it is but one crop, it should be noted in the reports for the obtain
segment, and if confusion cannot be resolved, the result elsewhere should be classif
checked to ensure consistency. If the errors are not consistent, the training of the
set must be modified. If there are errors in the non-agricultural land, the vapour
histogram limits should be adjusted to remove the confusion. If such Usually
modifications affect the classification of known fields adversely, one can also The. sa