The correction for haze is done after the classification of the subscene. thirty
For. the most part, preliminary classification of normally bright and th
Canola/rapeseed fields in non-hazy areas results in rectangular or square field Albert:
areas being classified. With haze, the regularity and relationship to the
survey pattern decreases somewhat and the area classified increases
dramatically. A sudden, local increase in area classified as Canola/rapeseed procedi
was also used as a clue to the presence of haze. The edge of the haze area is Statist
determined by the local change in classification and the general brightening of and sal
the image.
Rather than correct for the haze, we modify the classification of the (Ryers«
crop under the haze. This is done by visually following the variability of extend
rapeseed fields into the haze to locate a "normal-hazy" field (which is usually involv:
in a subset of what has already been classified). This field is trained on and
the result checked against the general pattern in the non hazy area and against
fields visually interpreted as ‘hormal-hazy Canola/rapeseed. When an acceptable
classification within the haze is obtained, usually after further modification, s
the previous non-hazy classification is deleted within the haze and the new project
classification is inserted in its place. Areas can then be recorded for the techno!
whole scene for both normal and hazy areas. shared
Clouds: Eight of 29 DICS scenes contained cloud. Using the USDA criteria | sensing
employed by Hanuschak et al. (1979), whole counties under the cloud would be itemize
removed. - Since the Crop District is the primary reporting base, we could not
delete portions very easily. An alternate method (Ryerson et al., 1981)" was 1
therefore used to impute under clouds using the percent crop in areas similar includi
to those covered by cloud as representative of the crop under the cloud, under been «
cloud shadow and, under associated haze. informs
Reduction of Noise in the Classification: One of the problems with before
classification of Landsat data using the parallelepiped classifier is the
"salt-and-pepper" effect caused by single pixels either incorrectly classified 4
as the crop, or cells missed within fields. The net effect is pixels randomly techno]
confused with the crop and voids in fields that often (but not always) should system.
be fully classified fields. Although it could be assumed that such pixels trainiı
would be accounted for by the regression estimator, it was decided to reduce ' the wc
the noise to permit production of acceptable crop type maps. The reduction of conduct
noise is accomplished by applying a 3x3 pixel weak filter (a CIAS option) to should
the Canola/rapeseed classification result. The result is a spatially tighter course
classification with no isolated single cells -- and fewer voids within fields. doing |
To assess the result of the filter, the classification is stored as two themes
areas, but only one is filtered. In the Peace River region the filter 4
typically resulted in a ten to twenty per cent reduction in area classified, Comp
although the reduction was not a constant percentage. The variability in project
percent area changed as a result of the spatial filter is being investigated. questi.
RESULTS satell:
For the British Columbia portion of the Peace River District, the project
standard Farm Enumerative Survey (FES) estimate of 50 914 acres of rapeseed was necess:
based on 30 of 49 segments (excluding those without cropland) and had a respec!
co-efficient of variation (C.V.) of 29.9%. The Landsat estimate of 51 603 SUPpori
acres for the same area, available in early September, was based on only 12 task h
segments (of 49) and had a C.V. of 31.2%. In this area, crop was imputed under involve
large areas (up to 10x20 km each) of cloud. The high C.V. for Landsat is for ini
believed to be a result of missing ground data and missing satellite data (due
to cloud) over segments. At the time of writing, final results are not /
available for the rest of the Peace River District or for Alberta's Crop form 9
District 4a in that Census results have not yet been released and all partici
statistics have not yet been calculated. In the Alberta portion of the Peace was pl
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