Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

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algorithm, i.e. the multiquadric approach. The reference system can be chosen 
arbitrarily, enabling also relative rectifications of imagery with respect to 
another arbitrary reference image. A topographic data base (DEM) can be option- 
ally included. 
The base-integrated multi-sensor imagery forms together with the various 
data base thematic layers a three-dimensional matrix structure, the two first 
dimensions being the location-indices, and the third dimension being the the- 
matic, topographic and sensor type index. Further processing of these relatively 
registered "matrix elements" can be readily employed, as shown schematically 
in Figure |. 
2.1 Principle 
The goal is to geometrically transform a (distorted) input image 
dQu,Y4) into a (rectified) output image g(X;,Y;). The processing steps in- 
volved are 
- determination of pass point coordinates PL (Xo Y no Xo Yao, ke = 1,K 
- deriving geometric transformation equations X, = X(X,,Y,) and Y, = Y(X,,Y,) 
i i 1 222 1 2? à 
from the k pass points, and 
- the actual rectification, i.e. the quantization of the picture elements 
g(X2,Y2) from the input elements d(X],YŸ1) - | 
The transformation equations can be modelled by parametric /4,5,6/ or non-para- 
metric techniques /6/. Parametric techniques explicitly model the sensor orien- 
tation elements on the basis of the collinearity of image and object points, 
while non-parametric approaches interpolate between pass points and do not 
establish any explicit sensor orientation function. 
In the following the non-parametric approach will be further presented 
with emphasis on the specific interpolation function uscd. 
2.2 Concept of multiquadric interpolation 
The task is to interpolate a value z for an arbitrary point location x,y 
for a given point set p Uni $z1,n. 
Using the definitions 
2 ; 2 2 
s iE xx )^T"Cy-y. (1^ 
53 (x xj! (y y) 
S 2 = (x -X 124 (y.- y* and (2) 
Si i Yield s 
G = 0,6 nin(s; ^), i5 hng-j*l,n (3) 
the multiquadric approach first selects the interpolation functions as /7,8/ 
(855 7 6,7 o"? (4) 
and computes the interpolation function matrix C- [f ds a 
Denoting the average value of all z;- data by z, then the average-centered data 
vector Z = lz}, 1 with pe 208 “is computed. The yet unknown interpolation 
, J 
coefficients T 3 = 1,1 of the coefficient vector KK | are then solved 
from the system of n linear cquations C K = Z. 
is p 
as t 

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