Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

1. Water 
x à 2. Peat cutting 
: 8 3. Coniferous forest, dark 
parts hl. Coniferous forest, bright 
5. Broadleaf forest 
classes 6. Sand and gravel-pit 
oto 10). T. Industrial and business area 
be 8. Residential area 
tation 9. Rape seed and green manure 
10. Uncovered soil 
11. Grassland and young cereals 
The distribution of broadleaf forest, 
sandpits, all of which can be well 
differentiated by spectral behavior, 
do carry the same significance for 
parent material and soils, as previous- 
ly discussed. 
E 3 Ade 
For both scenes classified, it be- Photo 11: Classification 9. 10. T2 
comes clear, that for each one alone, (eoior) 
insufficient information for a soil 
mation may complement each other in such a way, that object classes will be 
better separated for interpretation purpose. Geometric correction is a prere- 
quisite for such work. Ten fitting-points, visible in both scenes used, were 
selected and fitted on top of each other with ihe. GEOKOR progremm module, with 
one scene serving as reference image. J 
The joining of two separate scenes is 
accomplished by regarding spectral clas 
ses as a set of pixels: the set of 
pixels x from scene 1 and the set of 
during pixels y from scene 2 are joined to form 
it a resultant set z. z can either be 
cal formed as the geographical intersection 
mage, from sets x and y or as the union of x 
the and y (all pixels are included in the 
e new set). 
asses A new combined classification was 
ssland created by combining both sets of 
re will classes. The set from the 9. 10. 72 
eaf shall be named (I) and the one from 
S eS the 28. 8. 75 shall be named (II). 
The result can be seen as photo 12, 
and the process of combination, is 
en 2 discussed in the following. 
081 a cations Son ihe 28. 8. T5 and the 
. 9. 10. T2 (color) 
P Class: formed by the combination of: 
bie 1. Water Union of all classes water from (I) and (II) 
0e? 2. Association Union of arable land 2 (II) and residential area (IT), 
o of sandy which intersect uncovered soil (I). 
ue soils - In this way, loamy parts of arable land are éliminsted, 
the arable land, part from residential area, is included. 
correctly, and the non-sandy part. for uncovered soil is 
eliminated. Error: residencial area classified as uncovered 
soil cannot be discerned. 
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