gd use | in 1954. Later on the Yellow River Water Conservancy Committe and Chinese .
ler Sti- Academy of Sciences supplemented it, but since the region is wide, the ele.
ments are complex, it is very difficult to complete it by the conventional
my of method , Since the field investigation is limited to some points, the physio-
d out graphical subregion is not accurate. Landsat's sight is wide, the landscape
le and of image is really true, it can display more complete imagery of the earth,
1t and the vaîuable data for physiographical subregion map are provided, False co-
€ gain. lor composite image uses MSS Band 4, MSS Band 9,and MSS Band 7, the projec-
ed of tion colors ( biue,green, red) are normally used with each MSS Band positi-
nd whi- ve to produce the equivalent of an IR color photiograph, most imagery are ac-
been quired from June to Semptember, 1976, which Basically represent the land su -
rface condition in summer. The different characteristics of surface material
are readily distinguished on: the false color composite image with various
'to--mo- colors, the green vegetation has a high reflection value in MSS Band’ 7 and
, there reduces: in MSS Band 4, MSS Band5, it is a reddish tone, desert has a higher
system ; reflection value in M35 Band 4,MSS Band5 But reduces lower in MSS Band 7,it
irans- is & bluish white, Alower in all Band but relatively Higher in MSS Band4, Fi-
mage gure 1 shows spectral reflectance values of some material and color normm-
gnizing lly used for projection with each MSS Band. MSS Band 4 is used to interpret
is op- underwater^ topography, MSS Band 5 is used to interpret streams with silt
' Beiwe —- laden flow, whereas MSS Band 7 pictures show distinct boundary of land and
| for sea.and can therefore be used to interpret the coast line,
r, and
lor come g
color normally > s d
r basin, used for projectio 3 kj fa
MSS 415161 7
1ina wheat
| re- Eo deciduous tree
| SS Desert Grass land
ize 3 or caniforus £ "ee
3 Granite
1g (tha A
| „000, - & 20r peridotite
—— damp ground
"e M EA
, ear- 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 11 12 um
| so ons Wave Length
of so Fig 1. spectral Reflectance of some material
idle Landsat image may be interpreted in much the same manner as small sca
> ima- le photographs and images acquired from aircraft, and satellites, however-
| mado the ground truth will be used and reference to existing Maps: will be made to
SS a RD, P : XN = te te rt a RE
NE SEE en 6 : PoP ole SURI — Ema ra 0 3