Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

identify it, such ass geomorphology, topographical map, exploration data(geo- 
logic, geograpgic data, etc.) and other research STETS of river basin. ated 
The false color composite image represent different with various color and roug 
tone, it displays various materials of land surface and the landscape of geo- and 1i 
morphology, the image is really true when the landsurface transition from one Spec! 
landscape to another landscape, such as: the contact between forest and culti_ to rn 
vated land, the contacts between desert and cuitivated land, they can be dis- cted 
tinguished with clearcut color, so that false color composite image can more vide 
accurately distinguish the contacts of various materials of land surface, ctru 
In summary, the material of land surface are loose sand and loose loese will 
in this broad district, Wind erosion is serious in the desert and grass land, watei 
While the water erosion is serious in the loess plateau, the elements of unde = pres: 
riying surfsce are varying in different distriats, such as: the material of land 
surface, geomorphology feature, vegetation cover are varying, so that the regu- - “St is 
.larity of runoff and sediment load are different, The contacts between vari- in t] 
ous materials: of land surface have been distinguished by the interpretation ligh!i 
of false color composite image and the physiographical subregion map of the tance 
middle course of the Yellow River has been made, hydrologic and sedimantary plan 
characteristic values surveyed by hydrometer stations are used to identify it, huma: 
"the depth of runoff in the loess hilly district, the sand hilly district, and 
the loess plateau district is of the common magnitude but the flood peak and refle 
the modulus of sediments: are very high, it represents that these districts 
produae the high sediment flood easily, because the soil is loose, the slope dept! 
is sharp and the ditch is deep. Depth of runoff is wery large in the rock mo- 
untain district, but the flood and the modulus of sediments are smaller, Fore 
est district has the characteristic: of conservation of soil and water, its 
flood peak and the modulus of sediments are both smaller, Desert and grass | 
land have the characteristios:of drought high seepage ahd flat slope the depth 
of runoff, flood peak and the modulus of sediments are all smaller, Now, a 
physiographic :subregion map of whole bagin has been made. 
Recently, a classfication for soilerosion inwesligation has been made, 
it is made by STC/I^S 101 digital image processing system, the error of cu- 
ltivaied land area beween Satellite image and air photo( 1310000 topographic 
map) is 3,2$-9.4 f. 
3. The Determination of Electromagnetic Spectrum in the Field 
It hag been executed in the Following places: the remote sensing test 
station of hydrology in Chu County, An Hui Province, estuaries of the Yellow, cing 
Haihe, Peal rivers, Pan Jia Kou Reservoir and the middle course of the Yellow 
are a 
IMMENSE EEanu Qo i e Ro Jail Ss. SARE e 
D eec DUREE MM ue di " EH 

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