Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

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Remote sensing is a new technique, by which electromagnetic waves radi. 
ated or reflected by objects were received from airplanes and satellites. Th- 
rough analysing them, scientists can discover the properties, shapes, sizes, 
and movements of the objects, So that, the determination of electromagnetic 
spectrum in the field and the understanding of its wave feature are necessary 
to remote sensing application. The most optimum band of the sensor can be sele- 
cted and the reference: for remote sensing image digital processing can be pro- 
vided with the accumulation, analysis and research of the electromagnetic spe- 
ctrum data, Through the determination of electromagnetic spectrum of weeping 
willow, henna bamboo, yellow sandel, cotton fields, rice fields, limestone, 
water, surface soil and other thirty-six objects, the following facts are ex- 
(1) Reflectance ourve of green plants has a little peak at 0.5-0.6u, 
it is at the green band, blue, red light are absorbed by the leaf structure 
im the process of photosynthesis, up to twenty percent of the incident green 
light is reflected, causing the familiar green color of leaves, the reflec- 
tance spectra curve begin to increase at O.7u, it represents that the green 
plants have a high reflection at IR band, but the IR band can not be seen by 
human eyes, various plants also have different reflectance, 
(2) Various kinds of rocks, fresh and weathered rocks have different 
reflectance distinctly. 
(3) Water body has different reflectance, which depends upon their 
depth, pollution condition, movement condition obviously. 
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Wave Length 
I igure & Reflectance Spectra of weep willow Measured 
by instrument from different angle 
4. Interpretation of Geologic Structures 
Landsat MSS Band 4,5,6,7, false color composite image and density sli- 
cing picture are used to interpret geologic structures, 
(1) Western diversion work from the Yellow River and Gu Shan Reservoir 
are analysed, First, the lineaments are interpreted from Landsat image at 

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