The ring structures are the second important element in
the explorations of ore layers. From the experience so far the ring
structures may be considered as perspective areas of ore layers ex-
plorations in some geological regions.
Visual and digital analysis of Landsat imagery was made
in forecasting metalgenetic explorations. Great number of tectonic
elements was thus registered especially the bigger faults and ring
structures. The structured data thus obtained were transmitted to
the topographic map, in which were parallely drawn all mineral
occurences and ore layers.
So it was possible to study mutual connection between
tectonic elements and mineral and ore occurences respectively.
It was noticed that all mineralizations are genetically
related to different magmatic products, such as: quarta porphyrite,
diorite, gabbro, diabasic, spilite, tuffs ete. These rocks are ge-
.nerally concentrated around the big faults and ring structures.
Studying the relations between registered ruptural struc-
ture and the known mineral occurences it has been noticed that the
increased mineralizations were more distant from the main faults
and that they were usually controlled by the faults of the lower
category. This arrangement of mineral occurences may be connected
with the magmatic differentiation of ore solutions.
Looking for a conneetion between ring structures and ore
occurences it vas noticed that the increased para genesis are most-
lyconcentrated along ring structures with dia of 6 to 15 km (Trav-
nik, Komarsko, Radovan planina, Vranica, Cevljanoviéi, Fojntoa, Va-
red). It has been noticed too that the more frequent mineralizations
were at those structures on which more circular routes were regis-
tered, than on their erosses or places where they meet.
7 On the external edge of ring structures there is located
a majority of mineral occurences and ore layers usually being con-
nected with faults. Out of these structure routes smaller surface
occurences of mineralization were registered along the faults which
break the ring structures. But, polymetal ore of coloured metal,
and some non-metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Sb, As, Hg, Ag, Ba) are usually
found in the area of the last external circular route.
The images made by the Landsat satellites enable in a
1tioned fast and economical manner to receive geological-structural data,
the big especially those of regional character. Many of them have practi-
t has cal meaning.
f No . ; .
e It was found that along the regional faults and on their
crosses there are the most earthquake concentrations.
rid Thermal and thermo mineral springs, such as subsurface
vo 28 aquifer of thermal waters are frequently found in regional faults.
Identified by Landsat images, the ring structures in de-
finite geological regions could be a guideline for detail explora-
tions and discovery of ore layers.
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