Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

Collective authors (1976): Remote Sensing for Environmental Scien- 
ces Ecological Studies 18, Springer Verlag, p. 367, Berlin-Heidel- 
berg-New York. ; 
Cvijanovié,D.; Oluié, M. & Kuk, V. (1978): Seismicity of Friuli 
and the neighbouring area. Friuli Earthquakes 1976., Institute of 
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, p.21-84, Skopje. 
Oluié, M. (1978): Remote Sensing and its application in geology. 
Geol.vjesnik 30/8, p.781-743, Zagreb. 
Oluié, M.; Cvijanovié, D. & Prelogovié, E. (1982): Some New Data on 
the Tectonie Activity in the Montenegro Coastal Region (Yugoslavia) 
based on the Landsat Imagery. Acta Astronautica 9/1, p.27-33, 
Pergamon Press - Oxford. 
Oluié, M. & Kubat, I. (1981): The connection between ruptural and 
ring structures on Landsat imagery and mineral occurences in cen- 
tral Bosnia. Acta Geologica, Jugoslav.akad.znan.i umjet.. 11/2, 
p.45-57, Zagreb. 
Sabins, J.R, F.F. (1978): Remote Sensing - principles and inter- 
pretation. W.H.Freeman and Co., p.426, San Francisco. 
Tomson, N.J.(red.), (1979): Analiz kosmideskih snimkov pri tekto- 
nomagmatiëeskih issledovanijah. Izdat.Nauka, p.164, Moskva. 
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