The authors acknowledge their grateful thanks to Dr.Satish
Dhawan, Chairman, Indian Space Research Organisation, and Secre-
tary, Department of Space, Government of India, for generously
sponsoring and funding this research and development effort. The
authors wish to acknowledge the cooperation and help extended by
Lt.Col.LRA Narayan, Head,Applications Division, N:SA, and the air
survey unit during the planning and execution of the aerial sur-
vey. ‘The enthusiastic help rendered by various colleagues, too
numerous to be individually thanked, during different phase of the
project is also gratefully acknowledged. The computer software
programmes were developed by S.Natarajan, N.G.Inamdar, T.Ch.Malles-
wara Rao and Surendra Kumar. Bhaskar Rao and associates provided
support in the photographic laboratory. Gunavathi typed the neat
manuscript while cartographic services were provided by Dasgupta,
Devindar and Sambasiva Rao. :
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