Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

Table 4. 
The areas of modified land units in 
the interflow of Amu-Darya and Murgab 
rivers, km (After L.M. Grave, 
V.P. Kostjuchenko, 1978) 
= ‘ss 0 um (umm [ew lem we ame ams o cx» o up e sew | m ue e. mu wem aue dm sk amr MP m | m - m» 7" 
Shallow Land units 
Canal areas |! water and ' : T r 
! bordering !hyáromor- | seni-hydro-|transi-|total 
t (phous :morph phousitional j area 
-- —— mà e o e d 2 2e ou ue a em eh jun jen. cm ed qal eie um om mj emt pent m 
Amu-Darya borde- 
Le 19 TI 5 36 
(30-50 km) 
Kelif solonchak 
area (50-IO5)km 48 I80 79 25 240 
Obruchev takyr . 
area (I05-I80 km) 2 17 20 4 43 
Murgab area with 
sand ridges IT 51 38 14 II4 
(I80-3I0 km) 
Total - 62 265 148 56 555 
The utilization of aerial photos to study the moderate human 
pressure (the second key area) has showjthat process of sand stabili- 
zation prevail here. 
Blow-offs represent a characteristic feature by the wind 
erosion process, They are often confined to lower and upper parts of 
sand ridges where the wind direction perpendicular to the intensity of 
wind gronten at different stages of its development (initial, developed, 
It is known that one time aerial photography allow to obtain 
static critirea but not dynamic features of the objects or processes. 
At the same time the study of geosystems dynamics is very important, 
because we need to estimate the ternds. Application of repeated aerial 
photography may solve the problem. 
We have studied repeated aerial photos of the two missions 
(I964 and I977). Estimated on the photos of !:the first mission the 
coefficient of wind erosion efficiency was 0,36. The same criterium 
estimated on the photos of the second mission was 0,38. These data show 
that, the area under consideration belongs to one with active erosio- 
nal process. The second idea is that the process of wind erosion beca- 
me stable in the area. 
While the process of wind eràsion become weaker barkhans on 
sandy riges ovefvby vegetation. Takyrs in inter-ridges depressions are 
also covered with vegetation. Eolian relief is transformed to barkhan- 
hummock complex. Plant species composition and density is also changed. 

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