Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

The corresponding retrieval algorithm 
log S = 3.318 + 1.953 log y (4) 
appears to yield accurate results in the interval .1<chloroph (mg/m3) «f. 
Eqs (2) and (4) exhibit similar accuracies (around + 30 $) 
over the whole validity range. = 
An iterative procedure was used to determine the atmospheric 
correction to the nemoxely measured radiances, through the equation 
LW{(A) = [L(A) — LR(A)] — e(A, 670) 
(L(670) — LR(670) — LW(670)] (5) 
where L(A) = measured (apparent) radiance, LW (A) and LR (A) = contributions 
to L (^) due £o the water upwelling radiance and to molecular scattering in 
the atmosphere, € (3,670) = ratio of the contributions to the apparent 
radiances at wavelength ^ and 670 nm due to scattering by the atmospheric 
aerosols. The quantity € (3,670) was inferred from CICS data pertaining to a 
selected clean-water area in the scene, where the LW (X) values can be computed 
with adequate accuracy. 
The iterative computation neglected in the first instance 
LU (670) in Eq. (5). The corresponding first onder estimate of the sediment 
content (Eqs (2) ox (4)) was used to caleulate the LW (670) term of Eq.(5) gor 
the second onder calculation. The procedure was found to be effective, yielding 
nesidual errors in the retrieved sediment concentration below 10%. 
It is remarked that the proposed method does not depend upon 
Limiting assumptions about the homogeneity of the atmospheric conditions over 
the CZCS image, due to the proven Low sensitivity to such conditions of the 
terme (A,670). 
In agreement with the predictions of the quoted sensitivity 
analysis, the standard chlorophyll retrieval algorithm 
log chl. = A + Blog[R(520)/R(550)) (6) 
was shown to be very sensitive to the sediment concentration (at Least for the 
chlorophyll content range .1 - 3mg/m3 of the waters considered). 
An expression similar to Eq (6), but operating on the variable 
Z = [R(520)/R(550)] + a[R(550) — R(670)] (7) 
with «~6uas tested and found to be Little affected by sediment (over the range 
1. 10 g/m3), while yielding a similar accuracy. 

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