Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

The model may become of practical use for the analysis of 
measurina results on upward radiation. One of the possible  ap- 
plication can be the estimation of the relative contribution of 
the sun glitter to the results of the measured sea radiance. 
Besides the given model enables to evaluate the optimum direc- 
tions of observation in determining the zones with increased or 
reduced ( compared to the surroundina surface) sea radiance for 
the given observation conditions (position of the Sun, wind 
velocity and direction, cloudiness). The above zones of increased 
(or reduced) reflectivity may result from the oil film, varia- 
tion of surface calmness under the influence of internal waves 
We have calculated the given model for the incident solar 
radiation wavelength of 0.7 microns. The relationship between 
the sea radiance and the observation ‘conditions, the "solar 
zenith angle and azimuth, the wind velocity and azimuth is 
considered. A significant difference in results is observed. 
For example, when the maximum density of normal distribution 
coincides with the bisectrix of the angle between the directions 
of sighting and the Sun, anomalous contrasts may appear - 
brightness of clear water exceeds the correspondina factor of 
the system "oil film - water". In most cases, however, the 
brightness of oil covered sea surface exceeds that of clear 
water 2 to 4 times. A number of examples on the angular distri- 
bution of reflected radiation, assuming an oil band or spot in 
the zone of the sun glitter or the wave characteristics being 
different for some reason, have been calculated. The estimation 
of optimum conditions for discovering such bands or spots has 
been carried out. 
The disadvantages of the model are the possible simulation 
of cloudless sky or that of complete cloudiness only and the 
neglect of the distortina influence of the atmospheric layer 
between the receiver and sea surface. In spite of that the 
simple calculation model described above enables to carry out 
a numerical experiment and, varying a great number of experi- 
mental parameters, results, important for practical use can 
be obtained. 
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