Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

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Morcrette, J.J. and J.G. Irbe, 1978. Atmospheric correction of remote 
measurements of Great Lakes surface temperature. Proc. 5th Cndn. Symp. 
Remote Sensing, 579-585, Aug. 1980, Victoria, B.C. 
Richards, T.L., J.G. Irbe, and D.G. Massey, 1969. Aerial surveys of Great 
Lakes water temperatures, April 1966 to March 1968. Canada Dept. of 
Transport, Meteor. Branch, Toronto, Ontario, Climat. Studies No. 14., 
55 Pp. 
Schwalb, A., 1978. The TIROS-N/NOAA A-G satellite series. NOAA Techn. Memo., 
NESS 95, Washington, D.C., 75 pp. 
Selby, J.E.A., E.P. Shettle, and R.A. McClatchey, 1976. Atmospheric 
transmittance from 0.25 to 28.5 microns. Supplement LOWTRAN 3B, AFGL-TR- 
76-0258, Environm. Res. Papers 587, Bedford, Mass., 109 pp. 
Shaw, R.W. and J.G. Irbe, 1972. Environmental adjustments for airborne 
radiation thermometer measuring water surface temperature. Water 
Resources Res., Vol. 8, 1214-1225. 

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