Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 1)

There are many archives of such data but they seldom publish 
catalogues or inventories. 
It appears that, although some satellites are operational and 
even part of the processing is operational, the interfacing to 
the oceanographic world is far from operational. The special 
demands of that discipline are generally not recognised. 
Future satellite systems 
Three major developments could be identified as of importance to 
better sensors, meaning: more sensitivity and better geometric 
active techniques get more attention, since these decrease the 
influence of the atmosphere to a large extent, 
improved technology in the satellite to enable on board 
corrections and processing of the data in order to reduce data- 
rates and beam down only specific data in "oceanographic units". 
Such data could then be handled as "normal" oceanographic data 
and e.g. be exchanged in the General Format 3. 
Developments for the real-time case 
Most relevant for real time oceanographic applications will be: 
further development of on-board processing techniques, in order 
to reduce data rates. Only data in "oceanographic units" could 
be transmitted; this leads to highly specialised satellite 
development of low cost satellite data receiving stations, where 
on-board a ship, imagery can be collected relevant to the day 
today planning of the expedition; 
development of methods to use existing networks for the 
distributation of satellite data. ESA's SPINE experiment gives 
an idea of the potential of this, but also other networks (like 
TV- and datanetworks) could be considered. 
Developments for the non real-time case 
In this context, the Task Team considers of importance: 
an increase in awareness on the availability of RS data on a 
world wide scale. As one step towards this, IOC's MEDI (Marine 
Environmental Data and Information) system will be expanded 
with references to satellite data files all over the world. This 
is an initiative of the IODE working committee. MEDI catalogues 
are used throughout the oceanographic community; 
a worldwide coordination of catalogue and inventory formats. 
This could be combined with on-line access to these catalogues 
throug dial-up lines; 
a development of dataproducts, aimed at oceanographic applica- 
tions. Here the small contrasts, and the other specific 
properties of oceanographic phenomenae should be taken into 
account. The availability of quick-looks for oceanographic 
work should have high priority. 
The wide availability of satellite data for scientific purposes 
on a world wide scale should be the prime objective here. 
An international body, as a meeting platform for holders of retro- 
spective RS data concerning the marine environment, is perhaps a 
way to obtain the necessary coordination on a world wide scale. 
The Task Team feels that is is appropriate that the network of 
oceanographic datacentres plays a role to ease the access of 
relevant RS data by oceanographers. Each national oceanographic 
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