RE a
Table I - WMO Classification Scheme
Class Thickness Description Symbol
Frazil 0-5 Fine spicules or plates suspended in water Z
Grease 0-5 Crystals coagulated to form a soupy layer RI
on surface Ei
Dark Nilas 5 Thin elastic crust of black ice ND
Light Nilas 5-10 As above, thicker, with some lighter NL
Grey 10-15 Thicker, grey in appearance e: IS
Grey-white 15-30 Thicker, light-grey in appearance L z
First-year 30-200 Thick, white, in first year of growth, saline FY
Second-year 200 Thick, less saline, strong, in second-year sys
of growth Ë
Multi-year 200 As above, in at least third year of growth MY
Active sensors also have been used to study sea ice leading back to
1969 when Rouse used a VV-polarized Ku-band scatterometer to distinguish rough
and smooth FY ice and MY ice and open water. Parashar et al. (1974), used
backscatter UHF and Ku-band frequencies to stuly ice classification. Gray
et al. (1977a, b) showed that substantial variability occurs in the radar cross
section of the same ice classes which can make interpretation of radar response
less clear than might be anticipated from earlier work. The most complete
frequency analysis of the radar cross section of sea ice to our knowledge has
been done by Onstott and co-workers at the University of Kansas, Onstott et al.
(1979, 1981, 1982). This work will be further discussed below.
Work at the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) has highlighted the
benefits of simultaneous active and passive measurements beginning with a study
as part of the Canadian SURSAT Project in 1979 and reported by Livingstone
et al., 1982. This data set consisted of mainly cold winter ice conditions, but
subsequent work attempted to follow the seasonal variation of the microwave
The principal sensors used by CCRS include a Ku-band, dual-polarized
scatterometer; a K-band, H-polarized radiometer; a PRT5 infrared radiometer; and
a multi-frequency, dual-polarized synthetic aperture radar (SAR).
2.0 Seasonal Variation of Microwave Signatures
Many of the results from our work on the seasonal variations of
microwave signatures have been reported in Hawkins et al. (1981) and Gray et al.
(1982). These results will be briefly summarized in this section.