Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 2)

Literature Cited 
Aldrich, Robert C. 1979. Remote Sensing of Wildland Resources: A State-of- 
the Art Review.  USDA-FS General Technical Report RM-71. Rocky Mountain 
Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ft. Collins, CO. 56 p. 
Baltaxe, R. 1980. The Application of Landsat Data to Tropical Forest Surveys. 
FAO. Rome. 122 p. 
Davis, Shirley, Editor. 1981. Proceedings of the 1981 Conference on Remote 
Sensing Education. NASA Conference Publication 2197. NTIS, Springfield, 
VA.22151. +: 332 pe 
Heller, Robert C., Joseph J. Ulliman and William B. Hall, Editors. 1980. 
Proceedings of Remote Sensing for Natural Resources: An International 
View of Problems, Promises and Accomplishments. University of Idaho, 
Moscow, Idaho. 515 p. 
Hildebrandt, G. and H. J. Boehnel, Editors. 1978. Proceedings of the Inter- 
national Symposium on Remote Sensing for Observation and Inventory of 
Earth Resources and the Endangered Environment. Universität Freiburg, 
Freiburg, West Germany. 2395 p. 
Hildebrandt, G. and R. C. Heller. 1971. The Implication of Remote Sensors 
for Forestry Research and Practice. Proceedings of XV IUFRO Congress, 
Gainesville, Florida. pp. 165-195. 
Lillesand, Thomas M. 1982. Trends and Issues in Remote Sensing Education. 
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 48(2):287-293. 
Meyer, M., R. Harding and J. Ulliman. 1981. Status of airphoto interpretation 
training in accredited U.S. forestry schools. Journal of Forestry 79(6): 
Short, Nicholas M. 1982. The Landsat Tutorial Workbook. NASA Reference 
Publication 1078. NTIS, Springfield, VA 22151. 553 p. 
UNESCO. 1968. Aerial Surveys and Integrated Studies. Proceedings of the 
Toulouse Conference. 575 p. 
Welsh, Robin I. 1980. Proceedings of the Conference of Remote Sensing 
Educators. NASA Conference Publication 2102. NTIS, Springfield, VA 
22151. 645 p. 
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