IV. Concluding Remarks
The forgoing analysis indicates the followings;
i) Landsat Mss band 4 and 5 black-and-white imageries, includ-
ing two-band composite false color imageries (e.g. blue and
green for band 4 and red for band 5), are effective for the
detection of meso-scale coastal phenomena such as a front of
muddy river water discharged into the sea, a counter current
near a coast, bay current variation in a small bay and clear
water flows into a muddy lake.
ii) Small-scale flood in fields, such as less than a few hun-
dred square meters in area, can be detected. Especially, MSS
false color imageries (blue, green and red for band 4, 5 and 7
respectively) and the color areal photos after flooding were
valid in the analysis.
The authors are grateful for the useful technical advices of Hon.Prof.S.
Genda and Prof.T.Miwa of Chiba University and Ms.T.Satoh of National Research
Center for Disaster Prevention, STA and for the efforts to provide us with
valuable data and informations of Messrs.Y.Kume, M.Kikuchi and T.Ishiwata of
Hokkaido Development Agency, Mr.S.Kurashina of Maritime Safty Agency, Mr.K.
Kitano of Fisheries Agency, Mr.T.Kobayashi of Kushiro Fishery Experiment Sta-
tion, Mr.J.Ogasawara of Wakkanai Fishery Experiment Station and Mr.M.Kanahashi
of Akkeshi Fishery Co-operative Society.
The authors' deep appreciation is due to Messrs.A;Tsuda and Y.Yamamoto of
EOC/NASDA for their support and Mr.T.Okabe et al. of Remote Sensing Technology
Center, Messrs.T.Fukuda and C.Ishida of EOC/NASDA for their technical aids.
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