Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 2)

cies, includ- 
. blue and 
ve for the 
a front of 
ter current 
y and clear 
a few hun- 
cially, MSS 
3-4, 5 and 7 
boding were 
f Hon.Prof.S. 
onal Research 
de us with 
.Ishiwata of 
ency, Mr.kK. 
periment Sta- 
Mr .M.Kanahashi 
Y .Yamamoto of 
ing Technology 
nical aids. 
ction of sea 
ies using photo- 
on RS of Envi- 
on of sea sur- 
uding seven - 
SP-351, 1413, 
properties and 
ces and gradi- 
an and atmos- 
data in the 
on RS pp.464- 
(a) Band 4 (b) Band 5 
Photo 1 Landsat MSS imageries of eastern part of Hokkaido 
(WRS path 114 and row 30) on Aug. 25, 1981 
(by:Band 5 
(a) Band 4 
Photo 2 Landsat MSS imegeries of eastern part of Hokkaido 
(WRS path 114 and row 30) on Sep. 30, 1891 
Hokkaido NY 
; vd 
The Tokachi River e Ss 
The pacific Ocean Sa 
Fig.l Map of eastern Hokkaido 
Note: A & B; Sites of river 
water measurement (See 
Fig.2 Contour map of sea depth 
Note: a & b ; Sites of salinity 
measurement (See Fig.3)

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