Using the synchronous observation data of Landsat-MSS and NOAA-AVHRR shown
in Table 1, the author tried digital analysis due to the processing method
described in ANALYSIS METHOD section and satisfactory result are carried out.
The data of NOAA-AVHRR is the same as that of Landsat-MSS except the data
set of No. 4 and 5. The observation time of NOAA-6 is between 7:30 and 8:30
a.m., which is about 2 hours earlier than that of Landsat. So, the time
difference of both satellite is considered as the boundary of simultaneous
observation in the study of marine science.
Fig. 6,7 and 8 show the superimposed images of the processed Landsat-MSS
Band 4 images and the sea surface temperature maps(SST maps) obtained through
the analysis of data No. 1,2 and 3 shown in Table l. As the temprature values
shown in the figures are the values directly obtained from the calibration
procedure described in section Analysis of NOAA-AVHRR data and the absolute
values are considered to be several degrees in centigrade lower than those of
actual SST due to the effect of atmospheric absorption.
In the three figures, the radiance pattern of MSS Band has high correla-
tion with the SST pattern. In Figure 6, for example, in the northern coastal
region of Hiuchi-nada and Harima-nada in Seto Inland Sea it can be seen that
radiance of MSS Band-4 is higher while SST is lower compared with those of the
central and southern parts. On the other hand, the central and southern part of
Harima-nada and Kii-suido show relatively low radiance and high SST and this
negative correlation suggests that the SST of high turbidity water is lower than
that of clean water.
In Fig. 7 and 8, this negative correlation between radiance and SST is also
recognized in the western coastal area of lse-bay and in the north-western part
pf Kii-suido. |n Fig. 7, several interesting circulation patterns are seen in
MSS Band 4 within Osaka-bay, howeve, no remarkable difference in SST in the
area of the circulation patterns, which is considered due to the limitaion of
spatial resolution of NOAA-AVHRR.
The negative correlation between radiance or reflectance of turbid water
and its surface temperature found out in the analysis is an interesting fact
since the surface temperature of polluted water generally has been considered to
be higher than that of cean water. Considering the seasonal effect, the tempe-
rature of land originating water is generally lower than that of the water which
is a part of warm current(Kuroshio current). Therefore, in Hiuchi-nada and
Harima-nada in Fig. 6, the water pollution is considered to be mainly due to the
drainage or river effluent originating from the coastal land areas of Chugoku-
district and Kinki-district where high population area and industrial area are
concentrated respectively.
In the case of Ise-bay (Fig. 8), the polluted and low temperature water is
found in northern and western coastal areas, where in addition to large Kiso-
river and Ibi-river, the small rivers flow out into the inlet. In Ise-bay, a
counterclockwise circulation generally prevails with the result that the western
coastal area is highly influenced by the river effluent. Fig. 8 verifies the
above started result. The synchronization of Landsat and NOAA is one of the
problems in the analysis. In case of the examples indicated here, time
difference of observation by Landsat and NOAA-6 is only 2 hours, therefore
synchronization seems to be satisfactory for marine applications. Unfortunately,
however, NOAA-6 has become out of order and now only NOAA-7 is available.
The pass of NOAA-7 is 5 or 6 hous later than that of Landsat. Thus, in the
coastal region where the influence of tidal current is high and time difference
may bring some problems to be the results of analysis. However, in open sea
areas, since the SST pattern is considered to be nearly constant during l'or 2
days and the combination of Landsat and NOAA-7 is considered as effective for
investigating both the environmental condition of coastal areas and open sea
areas affecting the former condition.
The f
AVHRR date
problems c
remain, th
thanks to
Suzuki, Fl
Kiyoshi Ts
analysis a
Research f
1) Ochiai
and Lan
Data, 1
2) Ochiai
mental |
on Remo
3) Ochiai |
Sea Sur
4) Ochiai |
and NOA,
1982 (u
5) Fisherie
1979, 1:
6) Tsuchiy:
7) Onitsuke
of Envii
8) Tanaka ¢
Vol. 1,
9) Lauristc