is nearly
nedium con-
ion - cha-
nm (curve
10 nm are
E yellow
ons of
ad patterns
Ferme and
sk (1980)),
ophyll and
we have
| following
nns corres-
1 depths,
n Plg.l.
is to answer
^ Sea sur-
ow much
le 1.
le 1
ance of
HF Es Cy
c(z = 0)
1-6 c=i.0
.55 0.63
,48 || 0.58
„421 0.51
„541 0.65
2563-1 n0. 76
9104 0.99
00 1.00
94 20,88
79 © 0471
.58 0.50
.35 p.29
27, 0.32
239% 09109
19 0.16
235 0.12
‚14 0.12
a0 0.0
Obviously, there exists a very weak dependence of the DR
values near the water surface on the intensity and location of
Cmax ; especially in cases of this maximum located in greater
depths. The DR(z = 0) spectra give us information mainly about the
subsurface values of the concentration of optically active matters
in the water. The values of the total amount of these matters for
sea layers with different thicknesses are shown in Table 2 (com-
puted by the formula (3)). As a result of comparing the data of
Table 1 to those of Table 2, we may see that for the cases under
consideration there exists a good correlation between the DR(z -0)
and the values of the total amount of admixtures in the layer with
a thickness about 4-6 m. We may presume that for some other cases
such a "correlating" subsurface layer may differ in thickness
depending on. the degree of water purity. However, our main
conclusion is that for contaminated water bodies (as, e.g., the
Baltic) on the bases of the DR spectra determined at the sea sur-
face or by remote measurements the concentration of optically ac-
tive matters only in the subsurface layer can be estimated. As a
particular case such estimations are possible for the entire
euphotic layer if there exists a good correlation between the sur-
face concentration c(z = 0) and the averaged in the euphotic zone
Table 2
The total amount of optically active substances in the
layers 0-5, 0-10, 0-20 and 0-30 m for the profiles I-IV and for
the cases c = c(z = 0)
Thickness of :
the layer (m) 0-5 0 - 10 P 0 - 20 0 - 30
Profile I 15.8 20.9 30.8 10.8
Profile II 13.6 27.3 37.3 47.3
Profile III 5.0 20.4 40.9 50.9
Profile IV 5.0 10.0 51.9 61.9
= 3.25 16.2 32.5 64.9 97.4
z00.63 8.1 16.3 32.6 48.9
= 1.03 55.1 10.3 20.6 30.9
=i] 500 5.0 10.1 20.2 30,3
The conclusion that the quantity of backscattered from water
radiation is mainly influenced by the subsurface layer and the
contribution of each layer diminishes with the increase of depth,
has been made previously by Gordon et al. (1975, 1980) and Smith,
Baker (1978, 1981). In the investigation of Smith (1981) the
averaged chlorophyll concentration in the euphotic zone is esti-
mated on the basis of special formula for remote optical measure-
ments proposed by Gordon. Three cases of typical chlorophyll
profiles in the ocean are considered. A good correlation is found
between the values of cc , obtained by the remote measurements
formula for the euphotic zone and the actually existing averaged
values. However, there is a remarkably better correlation between
the "remote" cc and the actual cc(z = 0). and a good correlation
between the total amount of chlorophyll in the euphotic layer and
the cc(z 2» 0) too. Thus, the results of the investigation by Smith