Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 2)

confirm our conclusions. ı 
In the paper by Kattawar and Humphreys (1976) the sensitive- 
ness of the normalized DR values to chlorophyll concentration in 
the water for wavelengths of 400, 440, 520 and 640 nm is discussed. 
We have made similar estimations too. In outlines our resuits 
agree with those of the above given authors. However, the 
Kattawar^s results show practically no difference between the sen- 
sitiveness of DR to cc for 400 and 440 nm, but by our data the 
wavelength 440 nm must be preferred. 
l. K.Eerme, J.Lokk,1978. On the Baltic Sea water brightness and 
color measurements by the research vessel "Ayu-Dag" in August 
1977.Proceed.XI Conf. of the Baltic Oceanographers,Rostock{1977) 
2. A.Byalko, J.Lokk, V.Pelevin, Investigation of surface waves 
inhomogeneities from aboard a helicopter.The Insvestigation and 
Modelling of Processes in the Baltic Sea, Part II, Tallinn 
3. G.W.Kattawar, T.J. Humphreys, Remote sensing and chlorophyll 
in an atmosphere - ocean environment: a theoretical study. 
Appl. Optics, v,15,"p.52735(41976)7 
H.R.Gordon, O.B. Brown ,Diffuse reflectance of the ocean: some 
effects of vertical structure. Appl.Opties, v.l4,Nr.12 (1975) 
5. H.R. Gordon, D.K. Clark, Remote sensing optical properties of 
a stratified ocean: an improved interpretation.Appl.Optics, 
v.19, Nr.20 (1980) 
6.:G.N.Plass, T.J. Humphreys, G.W.Kattawar ,Color of the ocean. 
Appl.Optics,:v.17,Nr.9, (1978). 
7,=A Morel, L. Prieur, Analysis of variations in ocean color. 
Limnol.Oceanogr.,v.22,Nr.4 (1977) 
8. A.Morel, In-water and remote measurements of ocean color. 
Boundary-layer Meteorology, v.18, p.177 (1980) 
9. R.C. Smith, K.S. Baker, The bio-optical state of ocean waters 
and remote sensing. Limnol. Oceanogr.,v.23,Nr.2 (1978) 
10.R.C.Smith, Remote sensing and depth distribution of ocean 
chlorophyll, Mar.Ecology Prog.Ser.,v.5,p. 359 (1981) 
il. H.Arst, J.Lokk., Spectral distribution of the diffuse reflectance 
of the sea for the condition of the Baltic. Proc.XII Conf. 
Baltic Oceanoaraphers, Leningrad, 1980, Gidrometeoizdat (1981) 
12.»0.Avaste, H. Moldau, K.S.Shifrin.Spectral distribution of 
direct and diffuse radiation, Investigations of the atmospheric 
physics, Institute of the Physics and Astronomy, Academy of 
Sciences of the ESSR, Nr.3, Tartu (1962) 
13.B.L.Clarke, G.C.Eving, C.J. Lorensen, Spectra of backscattered 
light from the sea obtained from aircraft as a measure of 
chloroohyll concentration . Science, v.167,p.119(1970) 
14.G.A.Maul, H.R.Gordon,On the use of the Earth's resourches 
technology satellite (Landsat-1) in optical oceanography .Remote 
Sen,-Environ., "v. 4? Nr.2 (1975) 
15° V.V.Konovalov, Some characteristics of the spectral absorption 
of suspensions in the sea water, Optical methods for investiga- 
ting oceans and inland reservoirs, pp. 27, Novosibirsk (1979) 
l6. V.Smetacek, Annual Cycle of sedimentation in relation to 
plankton ecology in watern Kiel Bight.Ophelia, Suppl.l.p.65 
17. J.Lokk, A.Purga, Water quality study of the Baltic Sea by 
optical remote sensing methods.In: Hydrodynamics of semi- 
enclosed seas, Elsevier, Amsterdam,1982: p.523-530. 
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