Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 2)

Bloemer, Hubertus H.L., Brumfield, James,Campbell, William J., Witt, R.G., and 
Bly, Belden G. 1981. "Application of Landsat Data to Monitor Land Reclama- 
tion Progress in Belmont County, Ohio." Second Eastern Regional Remote 
Sensing Applications Conference. NASA Conference Publication 2198. 
Brumfield, James 0., Bloemer, Hubertus H.L., and Campbell, William J. 1981. 
"An Unsupervised Classification Approach for Analysis of Landsat Data to 
Monitor Land Reclamation in Belmont County, Ohio." Machine Processing of 
Remotely Sensed Data. Purdue University. 
Cannon, T.K., Ellefses, R.A., Craig, K.B. and Crespo, J. 1978. “Application of 
Remote Sensing Techniques to Vegetation Survey in Tropical Areas and Urban 
Fringe Land-Use Problems in Costa Rica." Proceedings of the 13th Inter- 
national Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment, Vol. lll. Ann 
Arbor, Michigan: pp. 2081-2090. 
Doute, R., Ochanda, N., and Epp, H. . 1980. "A Forest Inventory of Kenya Using 
Remote Sensing Techniques." Nairobi: Kenya Rangeland Ecological Monitoring 
Unit (K.R.E.M.U.) Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. 
ERDAS 400 User's Guide. 1982. ERDAS. Atlanta, Georgia. 
F.A.0. 1980. Global Environmental Monitoring System: Pilot Project on Tropical 
Forest Cover Monitoring, Benin, Cameroon, Togo Project Implementation: 
Methodology, Results and Conclusions. Rome, UN 32/6. 11-02-75-005. 
Lachowski , H.M., Dietrich, D.L., Umali, R.M., Aquino, E.A., and Bass, V.A. 1978. 
"LANDSAT Assisted Forest Inventory of the Philippine Islands."  NRMC 
Research Monographs. Manila: Natural Resources Management Center, Ministry 
of Natural Resources. 
Miller, L.D., Nualchwere, K. and Tom, C. 1978. "Analysis of Dynamics of Shifting 
Cultivation in the Tropical Forests of Northern Thai land Using Landscape 
Modeling and Classification of LANDSAT Imagery. Proclamation, Twelfth 
International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (also NASA/Goddard 
Space Flight Center, Technological Memo, 79545. Greenbelt, Maryland). 19 PP. 
Persson, R. 1977. "Part |l: Regional Analysis." Forest Resources of Africa. 
Department of Forest Survey. Stockholm: Royal College of Forestry. 
Short, N.M. 1982. The Landsat Tutorial Workbook on Basics of Satellite 
Remote Sensing. NASA. Washington, D.C. 
Weekly Review. 1982. "Environments Dire Warning: President Retaliates Call on 
Forest Conservation." Weekly Review. January 8, 1982. 
Witt, R.G., Bloemer, Hubertus H.L., Bly, Belden G., Brumfield, James 0., and 
Campbell, William J. 1982. ''Comparing Digital Data Processing Techniques 
for Surface Mine and Reclamation Monitoring.' Technical Papers of the 
American Society of Photogrammetry. 

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