Full text: Actes du Symposium International de la Commission VII de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et Télédétection (Volume 2)

MPESS : \ 
Figure 2.--The Large Format Camera (LFC) and Attitude Reference 
System (ARS) will be mounted on the Multi-Purpose Experiment 
Support Structure (MPESS) which will be carried on Shuttle 
Mission STS-11. 
Also carried on the pallet will be the MAPS, and possibly the FILE experiment 
from STS-2. 
NASA has received a request to refly the MRSE from Spacelab, and is investigating 
how to include it in the STS-17 payload. The most probable installation will be 
to mount it on the same MPESS structure which will carry the LFC/ARS. 
Space Station 
NASA's next major thrust will be permanently manned space stations - initially in 
low Earth orbit and eventually in geosynchronous orbit. A number of study con- 
tracts have been let to industry to determine the feasibility, utility, configu- 
ration, and cost of such structures. Most of the designs are modular in concept, 
using manned modules and instrument pallets from Spacelab, and often employing 
refurbished external tanks from the Shuttle. Crews of 9 to 12 people are contem- 
plated. Earth observation is one of the advertised users of a manned space sta- 
tion, though most remote sensing specialists believe these observations are more 
efficiently accomplished from unmanned platforms. The Space Station is not an 
approved project and no NASA funds have been allocated beyond the initial studies. 
Some preliminary discussions have been held with ESA, France, Germany, Italy, 
Canada, and Japan on the possibility of making the space station an international 
cooperative project. 
USSR Remote Sensing Programs 
The Soviet manned spacecraft, Salyut-6, was launched in September 1977 into a 
260 km altitude, 52° inclination orbit and operated until July 1982. It has been 
replaced by the higher capability Salyut-7 which was launched in April 1982, and 
occupied in May 1982 by a crew brought into space by the Soyuz-T vehicle. The un- 
manned Progress-14 vehicle brought supplies to Salyut-7 in July 1982, and adjusted 
the Salyut-7 orbit to 365 km altitude at 51.69 inclination. Salyut-6 carried re- 
mote sensing instrumentation and it is presumed that the same equipment is aboard 
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