jonarÿy, Dummy-page of English Glossary Annex 2
"Ss of “aberration n 60
ive of also: image defect*
. compare: coma, focal planes
NS1ING, contrary: model deformation
domain: Physics
Def: At the optical imaging/ with systems of lenses/ or mirrors appearing
errors/, which result in a non-point-forming reunion of conjugated
ionary, rays/: aperture error/ or spherical aberration, chromatic aberration/,
sin astigmatism/, curvature of field/, distortion/, coma/.
T 19 D:Abbildungsfehler, Aberration, Linsenfehler (obsolet)
dasie, F:aberration, défaut dû à une aberration?
abscissa n 70
contrary: ordinate
ry of domain: Mathematics
Def: In a system of two-dimensional, rectangular/ coordinates/ the distance
metry, of a point from the ordinate/ axis/(y) measured parallelly to the axis
togram- of abscissa/. At geodedic/ coordinates/ it is generally the (to the
| north counted) northing/; in the systems of mathematics and photogramm-
a 1984 metry/ it is (to the right counted) X-value.:
nsing, absolute atmospheric humidity n 80
also: absolute humidity*
contrary: relative humidity
domain: Physics
- Def: Density of the steam in the air.
ogram- D:(absolute) Luftfeuchte, (absolute) Luftfeuchtigkeit
ve of F:humidité absolue?
0 absolute flight altitude n 90
also: flight altitude*, absolute flying height*,
(flying) height above sea level*
See: surface of reference
compare: altimeter
contrary: relative flying altitude, (flying) height above ground*
domain: Imaging Technics
Def: Flying altitude/ above the surface of reference/ at sea level.
D:Flughóhe über NN (D), absolute Flughóhe (A), Flughóhe über Meer (CH)
F:altitude de vol (absolue)? ;
absolute orientation n 100
also: space orientation* .
see: orientation (6), two-step-orientation
compare: elements of absolute orientation, elements of relative orientation,
elements of exterior orientation, angle of tilt,
rotation angle of model, model connection, model rotations,
model orientation, mismatch, ground control
contrary: relative orientation
composition: analog absolute orientation*, numerical absolute orientation*
domain: Restitution
Def: As a part of the exterior orientation/ the space orientation/ of the
model/ by the aid of ground control/. It determines the scale/ and the
position of this model in the superior coordinate system/.
D:absolute Orientierung
F:orientation absolue?
absorbance n 110
also: absorbtion
Dummy-page of English Entry-List
Index English Entries D, F, Pl Indice SF
10 Abbe’s coefficient? D: 60,F:nnn, Pl:nnn 32
20 Abbe's comparator principle? D: 40,F:nnn,PL:nnn 32
30. abbr. D: 365, E:nnn, Pl:non 53
40 (abbr. for "small-scale topographic map*)??:D:42155,F:nnn,Pl:nnn 53
50 abbreviation? D: 370,F:nnn,Plnnn 53
60 aberration? D: 140,F:nnn,Pl :nnn 32
70 abscissa?aD: 900,F:nnn,Pinnn 11
80 absolute atmospheric humidity? D: 675 ,F:nnn, Pl:nnn 93
90 absolute flight altitude? D: 14900, F:nnn, Pl:nnn : 33
90* absolute flying height*? D: 14900, F:nnn, PL:nnn 33
80* absolute humidity*? D: 675, F:nnn, Pl:nnn 93
100 absolute orientation? D: 680, F:nnn, Plnnn 51
110 "absorbance? D: 726, F:nnn, ‘Plann 32
120 absorbing filter? ib: 750, F:nnn, Plnnn 31
130 -absorbtance* D. 760, E:nnn, Pinnn 91
110* absobtion*? D: 720, F:nnn, Plnnn
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996