Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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a period of 
During the first year of operation i.e. October, 1994 to 
October, 1995 the Institute mounted a post Diploma 
training programme for both Geodetic and Cartographic 
technicians of Survey Department, Ministry of Lands 
and Settlement. 
5.2 Participatory role by both Donor and Recipient 
At the design stage it was agreed that Japan would 
provide finance to support the construction of the 
Institute's facilities and procurement of Equipment. In 
the same understanding it was agreed that Japan assign 
experts to the Institute to transfer the necessary technical 
know how. Kenya was instead to provide the necessary 
technical resource persons and the other General 
services staff. During the period of the project the 
teaching staff shall benefit from counterpart training 
programmes available through Japan International Co- 
operation Agency (JICA) and other special upgrading 
5.3 Projection 
Presently the Institution has admitted its first intake of 
85 trainees to pursue Diploma course in the specialised 
areas already mentioned in the abstract to take a period 
of three (3) years. It is projected that the Institute will be 
in a position to admit 103 student yearly to undertake 
Diploma courses in 
Land Surveying 48 
Cartography 2S 
Photogrammetry 15 
Photolithography 15 
In addition the institute will offer Higher diploma 
courses in Land Surveying, Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing and Cartography. 
The curricula is designed to incorporate all the latest 
technological advances in approach and practice. The 
equipment and techniques to be employed shall be the 
very modern and current for the graduates to 
appropriately fit in the present job market. 
Since the Institute is established within Survey of Kenya 
itis intended to offer practical training that will possibly 
benefit and suit the needs in Kenya and that of the sub- 
5.4 Curicula Development 
The Institute does not operate in isolation but rather 
employs curricular that was directed and developed by 
the Kenya Institute of Education, the official body 
responsible for the development of curriculum. The 
Institute was however involved and participated in the 
development of the syllabi for all the Diploma 
On completion of the programme students will be 
required to sit for Diploma examinations set by the 
Kenya National Examination Council which is 
responsible for the administration of all the national 
The following tabulation provides the subjects studied at 
the Institute. 
5.4.1 Common Support Subjects 
1. Social Studies 
2. Entrepreneurship Education 
3. Communication Skills 
4. Computer Applications 
5. Mathematics 
6. Physics 
7. Geography 
5.4.2 Trade Support Subjects 
1. Management 
2. Computer Assisted Mapping 
3. Land Surveying 
4. Cartography 
5. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
5.4.3 Core Subjects 
Land Surveying Department 
1. Surveying Instruments 
2. Topographical Surveys 
3. Cadastral Surveys 
4. Engineering Surveys 
5. Survey Control 
6. Project 
Cartography Department 
1. Thematic and Special Purpose Cartography 
2. Cartographic Reproduction 
3. Topographic and Cadastral Cartography 
4. Project 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Department 
1. Photogrammetry 
2. Remote Sensing 
3. Project 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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