Full text: Commission VI (Part B6)

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A changing of the name of our society like into "Inter- 
PHOTOMATICS" (=IP), to replace the old-fashioned 
"Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing", is overdue. 
Photomatics should be understood as a part of 
"Mediamatics", which is more and more influencing all 
parts of our daily life. 
The term "Photomatics" would include topographic and 
nontopographic activities. 
Therefore the requirement of the "geo-dogma", which is 
still promoted in our society is obsolete. 
Beside "Photomatics" as candidates for a new name of 
our society "Spatial Information Sciences" (CASE, 
1992) , "Iconic Informatics" (WANG, 1994) and 
"Image Science" etc. should be discussed, too. 
Of course this renaming must be the root for a complete 
reformation of our society. 
Obviously recently there is no full systematic within the 
queue of the 7 ISPRS commissions. 
An engagement in this matter might lead to a queue of 6 
topics, suited to contribute to the discussion of renewing 
the names of the ISPRS commissions: 
These topics are: 
1.) Professional Matters 
2.) Projects ( suited for the use of Photomatics ) 
3.) Sensors 
4.) Image-Generation (including image and text data 
bases available via, e.g., www) 
5.) Image-Rectification (including digital image 
processing, GIS etc.) and 
6.) Image-Interpretation (including artificial 
intelligence etc.) 
Topics for international cooperation appear within a 
matrix, which is stating solved and open problems in 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. This matrix does 
not claim for completeness, but shall stimulate for further 
progress in research and practice of our profession, in 
particular with respect to international cooperation. 
The idea behind is, to list all products of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing as complete as 
possible, see table 2.1.Beside others, these products in 
general are “coordinates”. Every product defines a 
line of the matrix. 
Of course the listed results of photogrammetry and 
remote sensing are not really listed completely. 
The columns of this matrix refer to the photogrammetric 
devices. In this very first stage not really all existing 
Photogrammetric devices are listed complete as well, 
which again leaves space for own additions to the reader. 
There is no doubt, Digital Image Processing Systems 
and GIS-Systems are taking over the role of conventional 
Photogrammetric instruments. The term “Digital Image 
Processing System“ here stands for a Workstation or 
PC based image processing and analyzing system, 
including the hard- and software for periphery 
instruments, like scanners, digitizers, plotters etc. 
Though, today mainly no special purpose computer is in 
use, the term "Digital Image Processing System" is 
according to practical requirements. 
The situation for GIS -Systems is similar. Today digital 
image processing systems are more dealing with 
rasterdata while GIS-Systems are mainly dealing with 
vectordata. This distinguishing recently more and more 
becomes obsolete. 
In continuing the description of the matrix, the “attributed 
cross" (4) within the matrix fields indicate typical 
achievements and stands for solved or almost solved 
problems, belonging to the production of that particular 
photogrammetric device. For example, from table 2.1 it 
is easy to read, numeric image coordinates of separate 
points are the main result of comparators. For this topic 
recently no real need for international activities can be 
defined, though the problems of image coordinate 
determination will increase, but supposed to be solved 
by Digital Image Processing Systems . 
This situation is completely different for, e.g., Digital 
Image processing Systems, where the optimistic 
"smilies^ (CO) assign real needs for international 
cooperation in research and practical application, 
including progress in mathematical modeling, 
software improvement and practical acceptance. 
Blank fields within the matrix indicate recently 
impossible or unnecessary achievements of that 
particular instrument. For the comparator column, this 
shows again, the comparator is (mainly) limited to 
coordinate measurements, which is according to 
practical applications of that particular instrument. 
Consequently from the complete table 2.1, real needs 
for international cooperation currently only appear 
within the digital part. Thus there is no real future 
market for analog or analytical instruments. 
In this context the needs for international cooperation do 
not mean, that the activities in this area have to start 
from zero, but from the author's point of view, here still a 
big job is waiting for clever scientists and practical users. 
The main current fields for international cooperation 
in research and practical application of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing directly can be 
read from table 2.1 (as indicated by the sign “©“). Here 
the needs for international cooperation mainly appear for 
Digital Image Processing Systems and partly for GIS- 
Systems, both of course based on Workstations and/or 
PCs. According to this, the fields for international 
cooperation are in particular: 
1.) The area of 3D visualization for digital image 
processing systems, which is still unsatisfactory. So far 
all systems depend on aided eyes. Unfortunately the 
progress in Laser based real 3D Video TV still is very 
slow. Currently the Stade-system uses a cylindrical 
screen, which for the very first time allows stereo 
viewing from any side with unaided eyes! 
2.)So far even in analog interpretation of video 
processed imagery only little work has been done. 
3.)Another big field for cooperation is, to manage the 
problem of digital interpretation in an efficient way. 
This is of course mainly a question of improvements in 
algorithms and software, but which might include 
- tendencies of artificial intelligence. 
4.)In particular within digital image processing systems 
still much work is left for automatic controlpoint 
definition, recognizing, measurement, coordination 
and further geometric processing etc. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996 

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