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Vlastimil Hanzl, Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Brno, Czech republic
Commission VI
KEY WORDS: Education, Economy, Technology, National Report, Czechoslovakia.
The national report is compilated from several contributions. The report try to show the development in the field of
photogrammetry and remote sensing in both republics.
The Czechoslovakia has been a member of ISPRS since
the year 1930. After political changes at 1989 arose at
the year 1993 two independent republic, Czech and
Slovak. The Society for Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing in former Czechoslovakia did not devided from
several reasons. From February 1996 each republic has
own society.
Czech Technical University in Prague, Technical
University in Brno and Slovak Technical University in
Bratislava offer courses of photogrammetry and remote
sensing with substantial content in line of study geodesy.
Several other universities inclide especially remote
sensing in general courses. Universities often have not
sufficient funds to buy new instruments and modern
The branch of state administration of surveying, mapping
and cadastre in Czech republic has applied photogram-
metric methods in very restricted way. This dumping was
caused by following reasons. Due to restitution of real
estates and especially of agricultural and forest lands to
their original owners after 1990 there were many
changes and subdivisions of land parcels. Therefore,
new cadastral mapping in large areas was stopped
completely. This should d last until the complex land
rememrement will be finished. A new revival of
progressive methods of analytic and digital
photogrammetry is expected round the year 2000. The
only remaining photogrammetric job in the branch of
state administration is updating of basic topographic
maps at the scale 1:10 000 existing still in the old usual
graphic form. This is done by the graphic evaluation on
analogue universal instruments in map print base. In
1995 the data acquisition of the fundamental topologic-
vectorial base of geographic data (ZABAGED) started,
details of this base corresponded to the map at the
scale 1:10 000. There are 4550 map sheets on the nation
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B6. Vienna 1996
territory and this data acquisition should be completed at
the end of the year 2000.
Due to considerable increase of private companies in
photogrammetric activities all progress took place mostly
in private sector. Private | companies buy
photogrammetric aircrafts (now are two Cessna TU-206F
in operation), modern technologies ( 6 images stations
from Intrgraph). Some of important companies are
Geodis Brno Ltd., Argus Geo System Ltd., Help Service
Group. The last mentioned companies is pointed on GIS
and at the present this company is developing system for
digital photogrammetry PhoTopol.
In the Slovak republic science was concentrate in the
area of remote sensing upon the solution of grant project
Analysis of the Landscape Changes by Application of the
Remote Sensing Data. The aim of the project is
identification, assessment and map presentation of the
changes of the landscape objects demonstrated on
cases of parts of the Liptov and Bratislava with its
hinterland, by application of multitemporal remote
.sensing. The Institute of Geography participated on the
solution of the following European Commission Projects:
CORINE Land Cover Project . Interpretation of satellite
image maps of the territory of Slovakia(53 sheets) was
finished. Results of interpretation - interpretative
schemes are at the present digitised by the GISAT
company in Prague.
MARS and Environmental Related Applications - MERA
Project . National Focal Point for the MERA project in
Slovakia is the Soil Fertility Research Institute in
Bratislava. Reached results presented in a form of report
provide basic characteristics of the contemporary
research of soil erosion in Slovakia, proposals of
methodologies for the mapping of soil degradation by
application of remote sensing data and survey of the
published works in the field of soil degradation in
The Geocomplex Ltd. used satellite data in frame of
following environmental projects:
TIBREG - assessment of the natural resources in relation
to the environment in the part of Slovakia and in contact
parts of Ukraine and Hungary . The Landsat TM images
have been used. The colour composition have been